The Network en Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:15:48 +0000 Thu, 24 Mar 2022 14:20:59 +0000 When Are Desires Healthy or Twisted? A Brief Look at the Word Epithymia A study of the HSR (Human Sexuality Report) reveals that the word desire is used multiple times in both positive and negative senses. John Span Thu, 24 Mar 2022 14:20:59 +0000 Hermeneutics 101 It's all a matter of interpretation, dear Watson, said Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective. Our Biblical Interpretation class looked at 20 statements that are part of popular discourse, and were asked to detect if anything was wrong with them. John Span Tue, 30 Nov 2021 14:16:06 +0000 Social Justice that is Uncompromising with the Gospel In a world which seems to be getting increasingly polarized with short, pithy and charged statements, such as "you are exhibiting ____ fragility"; "all injustices in this world are due to____________"; "everything is a Gospel issue, so if you are a good Christian then____________"; "you must do m John Span Mon, 10 May 2021 11:27:58 +0000 The Challenge of Discipling Converts from Islam         In the period of the 1970s to about 2000, there were many discussions about presenting the Gospel to Muslims. Since then, a new challenge has arisen, namely, how does one disciple new converts? This article looks at a resource from Duane A. John Span Mon, 10 May 2021 09:47:22 +0000 "A Dozen Bad Ideas for the 21st Century" In his blog, "A Dozen Bad Ideas for the 21st Century", written almost 8 years ago, Dr. Mark Durie sketches out 12 ideas that make it nearly impossible to conduct a careful analysis of Islam. John Span Tue, 11 Feb 2020 14:11:19 +0000 Three Words Affecting the Church in the New Decade As we enter the decade of the new “roaring 20’s” many new words will find currency in our society. This piece looks at wokeness, virtue signalling, and intersectionality. John Span Mon, 06 Jan 2020 15:51:50 +0000 Christmas and the Real Night of Power (Lessness) In Islam, there is a special night called the Night of Power/Destiny (or in Arabic, laylat al-Qadr). In this short piece, I would like to compare and contrast that night with the Christmas Eve. What is laylat al-Qadr? John Span Mon, 23 Dec 2019 15:04:29 +0000 Decoding Missionary Newsletters Before moving overseas, I read newsletters of cross cultural workers and thought something along the lines of Well, that’s interesting. Now that I live overseas, I realize newsletters are filled with code words. Anisha Hopkinson Tue, 13 Aug 2019 12:26:55 +0000 90% Retention Rate or 90% Attrition Rate? Doctrine Matters In this survey, lessons from the lives of Ray Comfort, Charles Finney, and Asahel Nettleton will be examined. John Span Wed, 24 Jul 2019 16:33:41 +0000 ‘Palestine’ and Overture 6: Ten Questions to Consider Synod 2019 will be asked to deliberate Overture #6 from the Council of East Hill Community CRC, Vernon, British Columbia entitled “Follow Christ in the Way of Peace, Doing Justice, and Bringing Reconciliation to the Peoples of Israel and Palestine.” (see the  John Span Tue, 14 May 2019 13:26:00 +0000 Avoiding Ministry Burnout: Establishing Personal Priorities in Missions In a family, decisions are made with how we use our time, how we spend our money, and how we rank our priorities. Do we buy braces today and defer the purchase of a second car, or do we take a much-needed vacation and defer an accelerated mortgage payment? John Span Tue, 07 May 2019 14:36:13 +0000 Convince, Exhort, Proclaim, and Speak Boldly: Communication Verbs in Luke and Acts There is a statement floating around in mission circles that has been attributed to St. Francis. Likely he never said it, but lots of people like to repeat it. It goes: "Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary." John Span Mon, 01 Apr 2019 17:41:04 +0000 Thinking Theologically: Are People "All Around the World" Hungering for Jesus? I recently attended a church service and one of its elements communicated the following message: “People all over the world are hungry to hear about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.” Is that statement true, false, or something else? John Span Wed, 27 Feb 2019 20:21:36 +0000 Sending Missionaries in Ways 'Worthy of God' "You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God" (3 John 1:6). John Span Tue, 19 Jun 2018 12:54:33 +0000 Are Bible Translators Trying to Bring Christianity and Islam Closer Together? The hows and whats: John Span Wed, 06 Jun 2018 18:41:48 +0000 A Matter of Life or Death: Theological Precision At what might be one of the most ornate churches in London, England, with the tombs of many famous people including Isaac Newton, Queen Elizabeth the first, and William Wilberforce, there is a special memorial for the “Unknown Soldier.” It is surrounded by poppies and unlike any of the other John Span Mon, 06 Feb 2017 16:26:26 +0000