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Starting this September, Faith Formation Ministries will begin sharing a weekly “Family Faith Formation Tip” with your church through the CRCNA’s Wednesday bulletin announcement email and via FFM’s Facebook page. These short tips offer practical, creative ways for parents and caregivers to grow faith in the home setting.

We invite you to watch for these tips and insert them into your worship bulletin each week, post them on your church website, and share them with others via your church’s social media.

Faith Formation Ministries will also be releasing other great new resources for family faith formation over the coming year—including a family faith formation toolkit! Keep up to date by signing up for FFM's monthly e-newsletter to FFM’s monthly e-newsletter and subscribing to our posts on The Network.

Here’s a peek at the bulletin tips that will be coming your way in September:

For Sunday, 9/2

Family Faith Formation Tip: Today might be the first time that a child is staying with you for the entire worship service after graduating from children’s worship. To help your kids understand what happens in church, be a “worship whisperer.” Point out the different sections of the liturgy. Explain what “confession” means, or share with your child why a certain song is meaningful to you. (Faith Formation Ministries;

For Sunday, 9/9

Family Faith Formation Tip: It’s Grandparents’ Day today! Grandparents can have a deep impact on their grandchildren’s faith. If you’re a grandparent, call or visit your grandchildren today and let them know how very much they mean to you. Ask them how you can pray for them. Share stories of times when you felt God’s love for you, and assure kids that Jesus loves them too. (Faith Formation Ministries;

For Sunday, 9/16

Family Faith Formation Tip: Need help explaining God’s salvation plan to kids? You’ll find a brief gospel summary that kids of all ages can understand at Children’s ministry leaders, this summary will be really helpful for you too! (Faith Formation Ministries;

For Sunday, 9/23

Family Faith Formation Tip: Research shows that children are more likely to grow in faith if they have the support of at least five involved adults (in addition to family members). Who are (or who could be) your child’s “faithful five”? For more on this concept, check out The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family (Zondervan 2014). (Faith Formation Ministries;


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