Will Synod Appoint Timmermans as New Executive Director?

Having served on the search committee that recommended Dr. Steven Timmermans to the Board of Trustees for interview and nomination, I will not fully relax until the final vote is tallied and announced. Let me explain.
Two years ago Synod 2012 directed the formation of an Executive Director Search Committee and our work began with prayer - praying that God would quickly and clearly point us to our new Leader. Echoes of Moses, Joshua and David being chosen by God to serve rang in our ears.
Nominations came rolling in and the pool of talent was impressive. We proceeded carefully and prayerfully. By the spring of 2013 we were able to heartily recommend our candidate. But our expectations were not aligned with God's timing. We came up empty-handed.
Synod 2013 recommissioned our committee to continue the search and the synod interview with Steven Timmermans is now scheduled for 7 p.m. CDT on Monday, June 16. Praise God!
Our Search Team will be in prayer during the interview and if you are not an official delegate participating in the process, on behalf of the team I invite you to join us in prayer that evening.
Here are some suggestions about how you can pray:
1. Pray for the candidate. Steven Timmermans certainly demonstrates the skill set and aptitude required for this position. But his approval by synod – which we have every confidence will be enthusiastically given – will trigger massive changes for him and for the CRCNA.
a. PRAY that God will give him a calm spirit and the ability to share clearly with the delegates his ideas and beliefs.
b. PRAY that he and his family will be able to transition smoothly to a new community with new friends, new church home, new neighbors - while missing the old ones.
c. PRAY that God will provide willing and helpful mentors and staff as the realities of the new work assignment hit home.
d. PRAY for Trinity Christian College as it begins its search process to replace Steven Timmermans.
2. Pray for the CRCNA. Much is being said and written about the decline of denominations. Church planting, missions outreach, worship and leadership training have a different look. Fear and uncertainty are persistent threats.
a. PRAY that the Lord of the Church will give us confidence that His will may be done through our prayerful, careful work - that His Kingdom may truly come, using our efforts with His blessing.
b. PRAY that God's glory may be foremost in all we do and say, as a denomination and as individuals.
If the CRCNA is truly a praying church, we will be a protected church, living and working under His blessing and benediction.
Church Renewal, CRCNA and Synod
Church Renewal, CRCNA and Synod
CRCNA and Synod, Church Communications
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Thanks for the call to prayer, Loren. I will commit to praying for the interview aspect as well as the whole of Synod that all that is said and done, as well as what is not done, will honor God and edify His people. May all our plans be what God desires for His church.
thank you, Search Team, for the hard work of discerning and responding to the church's needs and bringing forward a wonderful candidate.
I will certainly do what you suggest.
In making the suggestion of this candidate to synod I wish the mandate of the committee had also included a proper take over of duties time line. What was announced seems a very unusual. A new person should have a very short overlap (5 days will do) with the outgoing (in this case 2 persons). It is extremely important that a new person start with a clean slate. Each direct report can make up his or her own "state of the union" in their area of responsibility. This should have nothing to do with the "retiring" folks. We appreciate their work and their contributions...but the golf course should be their new challenge.
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