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My congregation also enjoys singing "Build Your Kingdom Here" (Rend Collective) and "Facing a Task Unfinished (We Go to All the World) - Getty Music.

At First CRC in Fremont, we recently restructured our Council and shifted pastoral care to a group of lay leaders.  The Council is still responsible for pastoral care with one elder and one deacon specifically responsible for checking in with the Care Coordinators and also providing care themselves.  As pastor, I am also responsible for pastoral care and visit people regularly.  If you want to discuss more, my email is [email protected].

We have a license through CCLI that allows us to post our entire service online.  We do not do online streaming.  CCLI has a few conditions, including making sure that words/music on the screen is not the dominant image.  For congregational singing, the camera pans out to show the congregation and makes the words/music on the screen hard to see.  We upload our videos to Vimeo and then link our website to Vimeo.  To see what it looks like, click here.  The sound quality is not the best (see other comments about mix) but it seems to serve us well.

Thanks, Sean.  Very helpful, particularly in my work as part of an oversight committee.  The letter is an excellent idea. 

My wife has been using the Getty Music Hymn of the Month with our children's ministry.  The kids have enjoyed it a lot and have learned both traditional hymns and new hymns (mostly from Getty Music).  Those songs are "sticking."  I would also agree that our kids need to hear "their" songs in worship.  We have tried to incorporate the "hymn of the month" into at least one worship time during that month.  Creates a great connection.

At First Fremont (MI) CRC, I am three weeks into a "Top Ten Countdown" series on the psalms.  Congregation members sent me their favorite psalms and I compiled a "Top Ten" list.

We are doing a hybrid as well where songs, children's message, and other elements are pre-recorded. I use an app called ManyCam that feeds directly to Facebook live. After the service, I capture the video from Facebook and put it on our church's website. Go to or for some examples. It's been great to get so many people involved and to have that "live" feel on Sunday morning.

"Do not  use Scripture..."  Hmmmm. Behind every sin and every sinner is a story.  Behind every righteousness is Christ and Scripture.  It makes me wonder about their view of the authority of Scripture.  Let's not abandon Scripture; let's wrestle with it and seek a greater understanding of what God has revealed to us through his Word.  Should I accept an abuser's behavior because they have a good story (was abused as a child, by someone else, etc.)?  I will show the love of Christ to them but I can't accept that behavior as normal or in line with Scripture.  I will stand on the side of Scripture.

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