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Thank you for your open honesty on such a tough topic. We are dealing with this as a family right now. Trying to help our teenaged granddaughter through the depression and out the other side. to life, Right now we sit in the ashes with her, holding on to her. Praying that she will hang on another day.  

Our granddaughter has started on a medication. It is hard to find something because of her young age. We pray that it does not make her suicidal urges stronger before it has a chance to kick in and ease the anxiety she feels. She does try to maintain some self-care. She draws and writes notes to God. When she is having the more up days she likes to make edits on her computer. We try and find thing to give her focus. Right now we are living day by day and praying that we will continue to get tomorrows with her.  

We have a church library at First CRC in Brandon, Manitoba and it is used on a regular basis. There is always books being borrowed from the library.

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