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Thanks for the responses. Note - I am the Classis Treasurer. Being involved in a couple of non-profit corporations in Michigan I see the increase in regulations for such organizations and look at the organization of Classis and wonder if it's the way to go.  About 15 years ago when we had a new incoming Stated Clerk, the "organization" of Classis was looked at in relationship to the churches, and its role as an "independent" organization. What is the legal role of Classis with the CRC and the churches it serves? If the CRC is looking to have the Classis incorporated, could it provide a process to assist them? It could save a lot of headaches and legal fees. 

Just remember when you give a key to someone it will be harder to get it back.  We've changed all our locks to ASSA so the keys can not be duplicated by individuals.

We are moving from PowerPoint to MediaShout. Because the MAC version is a much newer program we are having to import all our PowerPoint files into a MediaShout 4 program on a PC then import them into the MAC version. Nothing is ever easy when changing over to a new program.

Our church has two entrances (north & south). The handicapped parking is on the north lot where we have an elevator to transport those individuals that need it. Because we have stairs at the south entrance we cannot label parking spaces as Handicapped as the access to the building is limited. Instead we have installed parking signs that state: PARKING RESERVED FOR ELDERLY DURING SERVICES. This was requested by some seniors that have some limitations, but still able to walk upstairs. They also noted that the parking spaces at the south entrance is closer to the door.

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