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You may want to get a few (no more than three) volunteers to be with or mentor this person during service time. This would enable her to stay in the service as long as she is able (especially during the singing) with a mentor beside her to explain things or to accompany her elsewhere in the building if she needs to move around more or be more active or sit an colour.

Having a job for her to do, with a mentor coaching is a great way for her to feel a part of the church. Depending on her personality, jobs like greeting, handing out bulletins, collecting coffee mugs, sorting things in the resource room, etc. can be tried out. Once she finds a job she can and likes to do she will probably count on doing the same job every week.

We use Easy Worship. Although we did have some issues with incorporating PowerPoint a few years ago (crashing etc.), we haven't had any issues in the past few years. I like that each user can install it on their machines at home without any extra costs.

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