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In John 21 we read JESUS and Peter went for a walk, were JESUS  gave Peter a job to do, proclaim ME, the apostle John was following, Peter asked JESUS, "what about him" JESUS said never mind I am talking to you, you must follow ME. That also goes for you and me, so what can I say, it reminds me of the song, " Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me" . He has compassion on me, so my role is to proclaim, and have compassion, as CHRIST has compassion on me. You must follow ME , how about simple role modeling, serve the needy in our community, simply rub shoulders. In our case I see so much value in serve trips, Orphanage and drug & alcohol rehab,drag young and old along, have them witness missery in the world, and how it can be overcome by GOD,s grace. It is not my job to judge, only HE can , and HIS grace is Amazing.  Hans Visser


The task of church leadership and Pastors is #1 Spirit filled worship, worship HIM as our only Lord and saviour, be faithfull..

#2 Preaching the WORD, the spirit will do the rest.

Sadly loosing members is nothing new in a culture of want , instead of need. No special frills will save  JESUS does

Thank you all for the lively discussion about the loss of membership in the c.r.c.In my origional comment  #1 spirit filled  worship, and #2 biblical preaching. I need to add, that unfortunately the c.r.c. denominationa is partly following the path of some of the old ,tired mainline churches in canada. my concern is that you are, focussing on the social issues of the day, #1 the c.r.c. participatng in a helicopter trip to check out the effect of the oilsands in alberta, #2synod committtee studying climate change, #3 world renew sending delegation to kenya  regarding effect of climate change ,#4 continually pressing to adopt the belhar, a document confessing sin to people rather than confessing to HIM who died that we may live, as in our age old adopted confessions. When we as HIS children are immersed in HIS grace, then the caring for HIS creation and our fellow men will flow out of HIS love, with out a synod micromanaging its members..

for the love of JESUS  Hans Visser


In order to continue to receive the Lord's blessing we as a denomination need to be true to what God's word, the bible is teaching us. When we start messing around with questions, "Were Adam and Eve real people?" next," what do we do with original sin?", then "What did Jesus really come to do?"...................... As an example, in the Gereformeerde Kerk in the Netherlands, a Professor Harry Kuitert, about 50 years ago, started expressing his doubt of the creation story, 10 years ago did not beleive in Christs atoning work, 5 years ago that denominaton ceased to exsist.

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