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Thank you Mike.  The Canadian Indigenous Ministries Committee also worked on a prayer that was posted right around the same time as yours (great minds think alike).  You can find it here

Is your church having services on Sunday?  Classis Grand Rapids North sent this message out to their congregations. 

Dear Churches and Pastors of Classis GR North:

Yesterday I requested the ways in which your church had responded to COVID-19 and promised one collated document. Since then, I have received word from several churches who have already communicated decisions but are now revisiting them in light of infections in  Kent County and the governor's closure of schools.

In light of this, the CIC has approved the following motion:

The CIC recommend to all churches of Classis Grand Rapids North that they suspend worship services for the next two Sundays (March 15 and 22), particularly if their typical worship gathering is larger than 100 people. Churches should reassess based upon available data and government recommendations at that time whether ending the suspension is in the interest of public health.

We urge each church to exercise wisdom in these decisions, especially as it extends to other ministries. In all things, we hope and pray that our churches can be a beacon of hope and the love of Jesus Christ throughout this upheaval in the world around us. 


And from Classis Grand Rapids East:

Your Executive Team met on March 12, 2020 to propose a coordinated response regarding COVID-19. Loving one another includes loving our congregations and our communities well, with special concern for vulnerable populations and the medical community. In keeping with this command, we offer the following recommendations for your prayerful consideration.

1. That churches suspend all church-sponsored LARGE GATHERINGS, including public worship services, immediately and until further notice. This action will be consistent with the advice of our state governor and health professionals among us. We trust you will announce your cancellations and schedule changes as indicated.

2. Some member churches plan to LIVE STREAM their services and have already indicated a willingness to share the use of their technology as feasible. If your church has this capacity and is willing to arrange for shared use, let me know and I will share this information with all member churches in Classis Grand Rapids East.

3. Be creative in providing PASTORAL CARE. This may mean more communication by mail, email and phone. It may mean increased accountability in small-group life: intentionally less physical, intentionally more thoughtful, more prayerful, more caring.

4. Emphasize the critical importance of SOCIAL DISTANCING, and consider current CDC guidelines as minimal best practices:
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
• Stay home when you are sick.
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

Whether in times of persecution, or natural disasters, or a pandemic, “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up the habit of meeting together… but let us encourage one another…” (Hebrews10:23-25), albeit in new and creative ways.

We plan to assess the situation in advance of Holy week and advise accordingly. Please keep in communication with us and one another, including the sharing of resources that other churches may find helpful in this unusual time.

Hi Harry.  This is Kristen VanderBerg responding from the CRC Communications account.  Thank you for your excitement about this piece. We like it as well. Thank you also for your critical feedback.  There is, in fact, financial data about the congregational services.  You can find it on page 22. I hear what you are saying, though, about the need to break this down even further and maybe also show employee rates and more information from denominational services.  I'll take note of that as we think about how to do the 2020 report.  As for your questions regarding the pledge process, should Synod 2020 endorse the idea of reimagining how ministry shares are collected, the plan is to send information to every congregation each July. This would include some information about their previous giving (at least 1 year and maybe the last 5) as well as some suggestions for how they could consider coming up with their pledge amount (e.g. as a percentage of their total budget, as a per member amount, or as a % increase from their previous gift). Since this will all be new, I suspect that we'll continue to hone and refine this annual communication as we learn what information is helpful to churches as they do this work.  Thanks again for your feedback. 

HI Doug.  That's a good point.  There are multiple ways to respond to injustice and need.  I know that many CRC people and churches have done just what you suggest.  They sponsor refugee families to come to Canada.  In addition to providing the required housing and support for a year, they have also fundraised to cover the costs of the travel loans.  This is great. 

If we believe that asking refugees to pay for their own travel costs (and charging them interest on these loans) is unjust, then it is also prudent for Christians to advocate for this policy to change.  I think it can be a both/and situation, and not necessarily a choice between one or the other.  I also think that some people might not be in a place to give financially, but can use their voice.  Others might not feel comfortable doing advocacy (or might not feel called to get involved in this way), but are willing to give financially.  Neither is better or worse than the other, and both can be used for God's purposes. 

Hello, Kathy!

This response was sent in via email from Mary Coleman:

When you join our church, the month you are born in is your immediate family. We have 12 clubs who worship and fellowship, in meeting, sharing in each others joys and sorrows, fundraising, Bible study. This group provides support in sickness, repass for immediate family members, and much more. On the 2nd Sunday of December every year, we wear our month's club color and sit together in celebration of everyone's birthday for service that day. The name of the club that has raised the most funds for the year goes on a special cup. The service is followed by a special luncheon where we all participate. I serve as the Month Club coordinator over all clubs and assist with several kinds of support when needed. We will be celebrating 50 years this December 2018. It's really a lot of fun and keeps us close as a church family.

In addition, there are attendees coming from non CRC churches and international churches. We are excited by all the ministry sharing that will take place! 

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