You may already have automatic debits from your bank account to pay for insurance, cable TV, taxes, or your mortgage. If so, then you understand the PAR principle. It means regular contributions throughout the year. If you do not understand the PAR principle, please click on the provided link.
Is there a method for people to register for PAR without printing this brochure and physically returning it to their treasurer? This is very difficult for people with our current reality of COVID-19 and physical distancing, and yet I'm sure churches would welcome the opportunity to have more people using this system. Is there an online form somewhere, or can someone suggest another system for authorization?
Hi Karla,
The purpose of the PAR brochure enrolment form is to ensure the administrator has the correct and complete donor and banking information and evidence of the donor's permission to withdraw funds in accordance with the donor's wishes.
However, the content of the form and the donor's intent can be communicated effectively in ways other than hardcopy, ie email, scan, a pic, which would suffice.
OK. I realize the information is what's important and there's no magic to the form itself. :) Just wanted to make sure there isn't already a more easy-to-read, fillable form out there before I create one myself. No sense re-inventing the wheel!
Thanks for your speedy response.
I wish to discontinue this method of payment in favour of a local direct option. I assume this can be done at our local church in this case being Cephas CRC, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. I have already put in a request.
Bob Wierdsma
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