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It's summertime! Often this is the time of year when things slow down around the church. Programs take a break, people go on vacation, the pews are emptier (or fuller if you are a vacation destination!), and if meetings or work can be put off or avoided - they are! It's often a reprieve, a time of rest and renewal - and even though the work is never completely absent - it's made as minimal as possible.

Personally, I think summer is a great reflection time. If you have council elections at the beginning of January, this is a great "halfway" point to the year, and if you have elections in June or September, this is a natural "end" or "beginning" to your year. Think about your team - what goals did you set out to achieve? What have you seen accomplished during the year? What are your strengths? Where would you like to grow? What might God be asking you to enter into in the fall? Sit in prayer (at the beach, maybe?) with these questions on your heart and allow God to speak to you. Note your emotions. Write down the things that come to mind (however random they might seem!). Be thankful for His call to leadership, and the opportunity he has given you to serve. Be affirmed. Be encouraged. Be renewed - by the God who loves you for who you are.

Take some time to also pray for those whom you serve with. The deacons, the elders, the pastors and the staff who all join you in leading your congregation. Let this summertime be one in which you experience a deepening of your faith, while being attentive to the Spirit's guiding and preparing. Celebrate what was, what will be and what is now happening. Delight in God's movement and be filled with joy as he refreshes you - body, mind and soul.

How are you being restored this summer?

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