Faith Nurture, Family Ministry
5 Ways to Pray With Kids
Prayer is an anytime and anywhere conversation with God—no fancy words required! The five ways to pray listed below are easy and meaningful to do. Use them with your family to encourage ongoing conversations with God.
1. Keep a prayer journal
Write prayer concerns in a notebook, on a calendar, or on “paper leaves” that you hang from a branch in a vase. Then go back and look at the ways God answers those prayers over time.
2. Try circle prayers
Hold hands and take turns praying one sentence at a time for each “round.” You may find it helpful to focus your prayer by using this kid-friendly version of the “ACTS” model, replacing Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication with these prompts:
“God, you are . . . ”
“I’m sorry for . . . ”
“Thank you for . . . ”
“Please . . . ”
3. Build your prayers
Have each person create a shape that represents what they’d like to pray about. LEGO™ bricks, play dough, or pipe cleaners work well! Then pray about those things.
4. Take prayer walks
Name and pray about the things and people you see while walking in your neighborhood. Broaden your child’s sense of community by also praying for the people and places you locate together on a map or globe.
5. Just breathe
Teach your kids a simple prayer verse or phrase to silently repeat while inhaling and exhaling. This is a great way to calm their spirit and/or help them focus as you enter into prayer together. For example, “When I am afraid, / I put my trust in you” (Psalm 56:3) or “Be still, and know / that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).
For more ways to connect children’s ministry and family faith formation, check out the Dwell at Home resources at
Faith Nurture
Faith Nurture, Intergenerational Ministry
Faith Nurture, Faith Practices
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