Faith Practices, Intergenerational Ministry
Intergenerational Activities on the Faith Practice of Listening

This resource is part of a series of interactive, intergenerational ideas for engaging people in faith practices through worship and/or midweek gatherings, brought to you by Worship Ministries and Faith Formation Ministries as part of the Faith Practices Project.
The faith practice of listening involves training ourselves to recognize God’s voice (John 10:1-6) in the midst of all the other voices calling for our attention. It involves learning to be fully present in the moment, setting aside distractions that keep us from attending to and responding to God’s presence around us, and learning to be fully present with God and with our neighbor.
Below you’ll find a variety of intergenerational ideas on this faith practice. Choose from and then use the ideas to shape a summer series, plan a midweek gathering, weave into an all-ages small group study or house church gathering, and more.
There are so many ideas here that you probably won’t need them all. To help make choosing easier, we’ve organized them into three categories:
For a list of other Scripture passages and songs you might also include during your gathering, see the Build-Your-Own Worship Service (or Series) on Listening.
Making connections. Pair a reading of the picture book The Rabbit Listened by Cory Doerrfeld with a reading of Psalm 116:1-2. What did you notice about the way in which the rabbit listened? What did you notice about how the psalm writer described the way God listened? Tell about a time you’ve experienced that kind of listening.
Notice and reflect. Do a reader’s theater reading of 1 Samuel 3. Use these conversation starters to reflect.
Storytelling. In advance, invite someone (or several people) to share a story of a time when God got their attention, or to share what they’ve been learning through listening as a faith practice. Stories often lead to more stories—provide time and space in small groups for people to share where/how they are learning to listen for God’s voice.
Lectio listening. Reading a Scripture passage individually or together in a lectio style provides an opportunity to practice listening well. (If you’re not familiar with this practice, Lectio Divina: An Ancient Contemplative Spiritual Practice on is an excellent place to start.) Provide large-print copies of the selected Bible passage and coloring pencils for marking words or doodling. Read the passage out loud two or three times, pausing to walk people through the following listening steps. Encourage grown-ups to work with young readers.
The video Lectio Divina—Do Not Worry about Tomorrow (Matthew 6:31-34) by Sanctuary CRC provides another entry point into a lectio experience. After watching the video, you might provide smooth stones on which people could print (or draw!) what they are hearing.
Attentive listening. Take a 15-minute walk or find a place to be still while practicing intentional listening. Pay attention to the ways in which God might be speaking to you through your senses. When you return, share with each other what you heard or noticed. How might you practice listening in this way in your daily life?
Creative listening. Read Psalm 65 and/or the picture book When God Made the World by Matthew Paul Turner. Use your imaginations as you listen to the details of what’s being described. Share stories together of when and how you’ve experienced God speaking in creation. Use art supplies to collaboratively depict the ways God speaks through creation. One idea: tear and glue colored paper to form landscapes, animals, or a giant globe. An online search for “group collage ideas” will yield many more results.
Send people home with faith practice resources they can use to continue the practices they’ve experienced during your time together. Some ideas:
Faith Nurture, Faith Practices
Faith Practices, Global Mission
Faith Practices, Faith Nurture
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