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Sherman Street Church in Grand Rapids, MI is currently hiring for the position of Director of Youth and Children's Ministry. 

Sherman Street Church is seeking to hire a Director of Children and Youth Ministries. The position is full time (forty hours per week) and salaried. It requires flexible hours, including evenings and weekends. The actual number of hours during a given week will vary at different times of the year. It is eligible for benefits, including paid time off and health insurance.

Sherman Street Church is looking for an innovative leader who brings new ideas of how to equip children, young adults, and their families to be a living testimony of God’s grace and justice in our city and beyond. This person should have the capacity to develop and lead a holistic ministry from birth to young adulthood. We are also looking for someone who loves to have fun and has a sense of humor about our unique calling as ministers. 

Assisted by other staff and volunteers, this program will provide spiritual nourishment for kids at each stage of life: from engaging Sunday School lessons to invigorating profession of faith opportunities. While programs are important, the ministry will focus primarily on building strong, supportive relationships with children, youth, and their families. Our goal is that this ministry yields Christian discipleship and faith development that will launch students into the world as thinking, loving adults ready to minister to those around them. 

Successful candidates will find Sherman Street Church is full of warm and hospitable people who will work with them in their ministry. We are committed to dedicating the resources needed to create a thriving children and youth program. They will work with supportive colleagues who also give them plenty of room for creative freedom. 

For a full description of the position and to apply, visit Sherman Street Church's website.

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