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We are looking for a script for teenagers to act out a bible story. The script should have a running time of about 15-20 min. and have at least 10 speaking parts. Last year we did 'Esther' and it was just great! Any suggestions for this year?


My former professor, Lloyd Arnett, from Trinity Western University in Langley, BC, has a few plays that are biblically based, and that are great for teens. Particularly "The Bethany Improvisation", which is an interview of Mary, Martha and Lazarus is impactful and deeply rooted in the scriptures.

Also, you may want to check out the organization "CITA" -- Christians in Theater Arts -- they have many, many connections for scripts, playwrights, actors, etc., etc.

I know it's been a while since you asked, but hopefully this will help you and/or others who may need to find this still.

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