Being Intentional With Youth
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So you would like for your tween or teen to be a Christian? What are you doing in your church or at your home that will support your child? If you have high expectations, then you need to give high support.
Create service learning opportunities with your family and with your church to encourage service working. Share and model worship times with tweens so that they can be lead God worshipers together. Equip them with the tools to help with justice seeking. Give them ballet shoes, paint pallets, costumes or sheet music to lead them in beauty creating. Get them outside to be creation enjoyers. Model recycling as earth keepers. Teach them how to use microscopes and telescopes as order discoverers. Ask them questions and open scripture together and help them see the idols of today and help them be image reflectors of God.
Find people who can be examples of Christian men and women. Do this together as church and as family. Discuss with others, plan out, and surround your tweens with people who intentionally care, who intentionally build trust, who intentionally show respect and openly express their faith.
Let’s equip and educate our tweens with what it means to be a Christian by modeling and creating a fun, faith-filled community of grace.
This article was originally post at For more parent article, please visit
Biblical Justice, Youth Ministry
Biblical Justice, Youth Ministry
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A few basic things before the periferals.... read the bible with your kids. Discuss it with them. Don't wait till they are teens to do this. Sing with them. Pray with them. Don't flaunt your relationship with God or make it a show. Don't hide your relationship with God or be embarassed by it. Confess your obvious sins. Repent. Let your feelings and sincerity and priorities be obvious. Pray for them.
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