A Final Post...and an Excitement for What's to Come
It was early 2011 when I was approached with the offer to be a guide for the Youth Network. I love youth ministry and I love communication tools like social media, so I jumped at the opportunity. As I wrap up my time as guide, I am thankful for the guidance, support and encouragement I received from the very talented CRCNA staff and I’m thrilled at the thoughtful responses that came each week from youth leaders and youth ministry lovers who care so much about the generation that is rising up around us.
I have been surprised by the blog posts that have garnered the most response and I have been puzzled at times by blogs that received litte response (when I expected to get significant pushback). As a youth leader, I have always said that God has given me so much more in terms of blessings and encouragement than I could ever give back, and I found the same to be true in the role of Network guide.
I’m anxious to read and learn from Jason Postma’s blog posts. Jason has been one of those thoughtful individuals that have added much to this Network. I’ll be holding Jason up in prayer as he leads and guides the Youth Network.
In Christ,
Biblical Justice, Youth Ministry
Biblical Justice, Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry, Classis
Global Mission, Youth Ministry
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We've all enjoyed working with you and following your posts on this network week-by-week. I hope you won't be a stranger and that we'll see more of you in the future as you enter "guide retirement."
Thanks for your leadership and wisdom over the past year. You're leaving big shoes to fill!
Thas for your commitment....many times the catalyst us quiet Dutchmen/women need to stand up and shout out!!!
Well done, Paul.
Thanks, Paul. I hope you'll continue to share your wisdom in this section and across the site.
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