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How often have we heard, just give me a minute of your time? Or, just a minute, I need to finish this first, then I will give you my attention. I have been reading a book this week by Wess Stafford titled, “Just a minute”. Wess Stafford is the president of Compassion International, and his book includes over 60 stories of how just one minute changed the lives and futures of so many children and youth.
I don’t know about you, but often in the busyness of life, I tell myself, I don’t have just a minute, I have too many things to do. Sometimes I am so preoccupied with what I want to do, that I do not notice the needs of my youth at youth group on Wednesday night or Sunday after church.. Wess also talks about how a sarcastic or cutting comment can also have a huge impact in a bad way in their life.
Part of the problem is that you and I have no way of knowing what affect just one minute will have on our youth and children. A word of encouragement at just the right time might make a huge difference to a youth going thru a tough time, or it might just mean nothing. I can remember once talking to a youth who wanted to quit high school so he could work in a factory for $10/hour which was good money at that time (it was a few years ago). I’m am not even sure exactly what I said, but it was something like, “ you can always work in a factory, but now is might be the only time you can get an education, and you are bright enough to stay in school”. Years later he told me that was just the encouragement he needed to stay in school and eventually become a teacher.
So this summer if you are looking for an inspiring book that is easy to read, check out Wess Stafford’s book. It just might inspire you to give a few more minutes to your youth, or to your family. You may never know how much of a difference you can make in someone’s life. I love it when I hear youth talk about how someone made a difference in their life. It is a great exercise in, youth group, to have youth write a note of thanks to someone who has made a difference in their life. I am sure some of you have great stories or ideas about how to give :just a minute” to our youth. I am looking forward to hearing you share them.
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
Biblical Justice, Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry, Classis
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