Spilled Salt: How About Some Pepper?

By Adam Van Dop
Someone suggested to me that I start reflecting about pepper and how it relates to spilled salt. So here goes.
All I can think about is if you sniff in a little bit of pepper - you sneeze.
Pepper is used in conjunction with salt - well, most often. When I order a sub from Subway - I only get pepper on it - no salt. I just find that they put on too much salt and it ruins the sub. So I stick with the pepper.
When sniffed, pepper makes you sneeze, have a watch --- it’s a video of slow motion sneezing: SNEEZING
Sneezing "is a semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air from the lungs through the nose and mouth, most commonly caused by foreign particles" (thanks wikipedia!). So when you sneeze - your body rejects 'foreign particles' - stuff that doesn't belong in your body, stuff that can make you sick - or just plain unhealthy.
So, if you're life is full of sick stuff, general unhealthiness (I'm hoping that you catch on to the fact that I'm not talking about a simple head-cold or the flu or something like cancer... but more like sin, stuff that messes up your life...), then sniff in some pepper.
I know what you just asked.
Yes, I do have telepathic skills. (That's another story ...).
What I mean by sniffing pepper is a number of things.
1. There's this good book, quite long ... small print ... written by a ton of authors ... inspired by someone we can't see ... yah ... the Bible.
If you haven't started reading it - then get in it. That's where you need to be.
If you do it on a daily basis - good on you! Are you learning from it? Or just looking for the pictures? (cause rarely will you find them, unless of course you've got a children's bible - but that raises other issues. For which this blog is not meant).
2. There's this other thing that we Christians like to do, talking to this guy we can't see ... its called prayer.
Again, if you haven't started it - then start. Here's a great way to get going, you fill in the blanks ... "Dear Lord _________________. Amen."
Also, if you do this daily, perhaps hourly - good on you! Are you actually connecting with God? Are you seeing your prayers get answers? What kinds of things are you praying for? For that boy or girl to notice you? Or for the right six numbers for this week’s 6/49??
3. Another thing that we Christians enjoy is spending time in like community. Sometimes we do this too much, sometimes other people get the wrong impression about these communities. But we have them for a reason.
If you haven't found like-Christian-community - go look for it, whether it be a small group, a youth group, Sunday morning church, or with a friend at your usual starbucks. Find people you can be open and honest with, allow them to point out the stuff you need to sneeze out. Thank them for their honesty.
If you are already there - continue to be a part of it. Be genuine. Be sincere. Find others who need some help as well, but be sure to remove the plank from your own eye first.
Apparently I had a bit more behind just 'sniff pepper and sneeze.'
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
Biblical Justice, Youth Ministry
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