Who is the New Youth Ministry Guide?

Come everyone, gather 'round, and learn about the new Guide in town...
My name is Jason Postma. It is a blessing to serve as your new Youth Ministry Guide on the Network.
When I’m not hanging-out online, I serve as the Director of Youth and Family Ministry at Bethel Christian Reformed Church in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada.
I’ve been married to Natalie, my partner in love and life, for 8 years. In that time we’ve had the opportunity to live in and experience many wonderfully different places –the countryside, the city, small towns, the suburbs, not to mention two years in Japan. While moving all over creation, we’ve been blessed with two children – Sophie and Logan – with a third on the way.
I often stop and think about how a guy with an undergrad in history and a master’s degree in theology with absolutely no formal youth ministry or pastoral training ended up in youth ministry. Being a “young-buck” of 32 years surrounded by so many wise and gifted youth ministry colleagues, there are times when I feel like a bit of a fraud and misfit. I still don’t know how I ended up in the crazy and beautiful world of youth ministry, but I do know that I love it.
What do I love about youth ministry?
I love seeing spiritual growth and the development of gifts in young people and leaders. I love that youth never cease to amaze and inspire me with their creativity and passion for Christ and his kingdom. I love that the youth keep me on my toes with their insightful and probing questions. I love the opportunity to be surrounded by so many wonderful youth ministry colleagues who share each other’s joys and burdens. I love the fact that this is what God has called me to do – to talk with people about Jesus and to journey alongside them as we discover what it means to follow Him.
It is my prayer that what I offer here on the Network will be a blessing to everyone as we journey together. I see the Youth Ministry Network as a collaborative forum for us as youth workers, parents, church leaders, and student leaders to discuss and dream together about youth ministry in the CRC.
Let the journey continue!
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
Biblical Justice, Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry, Classis
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Welcome Jason! You are no fraud if you are involved in youth ministry in any capacity....Love the passion, the enthusiasm and the excitement....keep your seatbelt on and and strapped in at all times for the YM roller-coaster ride! at times thrilling....at times scary! You might want to look into attending the CYWC conference in Nov/Dec. www.CYWC.ca
.....we're trying to plan a session of Youth Ministry brainstorming with just the CRC YM leaders....might be extremely beneficial as the new "guide"
Glad to have you aboard!
Thanks for the welcome and encouragement, Albert.
I'm definitely "in" for the CYWC and I hope many other Canadian CRC youth workers are able to attend as well - it will prove to be a rewarding and helpful event and the discussion with other CRC youth workers sounds excellent!
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