Church Planting, Global Mission
What Is the Church?

"What is the church?"
You might be asking yourself this question, or maybe you’re hearing people in your church or ministry ask it. We’ve been asking this question, too, as we’ve explored different expressions of church alongside the Church Planting Institute.
This question may never have a definitive answer—we may be seeking to answer this question forever—but there are consistencies that we can confidently identify.
We’ve seen the Church to be a group of people seeking to join in what God is already doing in a specific area through prayer, gathering together, and attentiveness to the Holy Spirit.
And that can take so many different forms.
This summer, church for us has looked like a gathering we unoriginally named “Monday Night Dinners.” This dinner was birthed out of a nudge we felt from the Spirit to intentionally cultivate community on our street this summer.
A number of new student houses have popped up in our neighborhood, and a smattering of different people come and go throughout the summer months. These meals have become an easy space to invite people into, and it has been exciting to see who will come through our door on any given Monday. We’ve seen a community grow, and the time of fellowship and sharing a meal with so many has become a highlight of our week.
Through these dinners, we’ve been challenged into trusting God regularly as we seek him with intentional (and sometimes very specific) prayers. We pay for the meals out of pocket, but we regularly receive free food and donations from unexpected places. This provision feels like a clear indicator of God’s favor in what we are doing, and we are excited to walk where we see God already moving.
The community we’ve found in our neighborhood has spilled beyond our weekly dinners, and we’ve been so blessed by the way our neighbors have supported us. We’ve seen community form around lawn mowing, shared extension cords and power washers, flowers and garden seedlings, baked goods, open pools, and many good conversations.
Where do you see community forming in your neighborhood, or in your church’s neighborhood? Where is God already moving? What might it look like for you and your church to join in with God at work?
Samantha Brinkman and Jessie Zantingh served as interns with Resonate Global Mission and the Church Planting Institute this summer
Church Planting, Global Mission
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It looks like some words got accidentally cut out in the paragraph beginning "Through these dinners, we've....'
Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Greetings from the Diocese of Kinkiizi.
Am definitely 15 plus years of experience in the Community Development programs field, over 10 years of which were spent in Student's Leadership, Church Leadership, He has demonstrated experience of ensuring high rates of both claim acceptance and reimbursement. Community Health Empowerment Ministry Partnership Facilitator Uganda and Godfrey Byamukama Survivors Foundation for Children Initiative Uganda GBSFCI-U and End Poverty-Hunger Mission Uganda Director and Parish Progress Investment Crop Action-PPICA Uganda Facilitator,
Above all, Godfrey Byamukama is dedicated to providing high-quality Saving and Loans Association services, financial management and profitability. He encourages collaboration and Partnerships with care teams at all levels and fosters a constructive and efficient office culture and Management Practices for quality and Sustainable Development Goals and Vision strategy.
Godfrey is compassionate, Commitment, Faithfulness, Integrity and quality improvement in healthcare and health equity and Community Transformation Agenda with strategic Planning Choices.
He is an author and motivational speaker who believes the way in which we work enables us to build long lasting relationships with Development Agencies and Opportunities to Maximize Axis Transformation. God bless you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
II Timothy 1:7 NKJV.
Question of reference!
We always have a vacuum on Kirenzi prayer mountain where we converge for prayer and fasting.
We would like to plant a Church on this mountain! Please kindly connect us Good Christians who can fund this activity. It needs like $965000.
We are trying to build latrines and opening the road upto this pick.
Help us to build this sanctuary.
God bless you as we work together
Yours faithfully,
Rev. Godfrey Byamukama
Missions and Evangelism coordinator
Diocese of Kinkiizi C.O.U
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