How Important Is a Church?

“There are three main reasons families leave LCC International University,” said the guy interviewing us.
“One: They get tired of fundraising. If they don’t maintain a clear vision of the value of LCC’s mission and the importance of a support network to their ministry in this spiritually difficult place, they lose the motivation to play the double role of full-time professor and full-time fundraiser.
“Two: Their children don’t adapt well to life in Lithuania. This happens especially when families fail to find a good school solution for their kids that allows them to learn the language but also maintain their home culture.
“The third reason, though, is one that people are often blindsided by: They don’t find a church community. You can manage at LCC for about three years with a makeshift solution, but after that you need to either find a church home or go home.
“I want you to be aware of these challenges before you commit to coming to LCC.”
That three years of makeshift solutions is coming to an end for us, and we recognize the truth of his words. Our vision of the importance of what God is doing through LCC is stronger than ever, and we continue to love to share with people who want to join in that work (aka “fundraising”). Our family is developing a (hopefully) sustainable model for school that combines classes at the local Christian school with homeschooling other subjects. But finding a church home has been a struggle, as our Lithuanian language skills develop more slowly than we had hoped.
This year, however, we have been blessed to attend the small Free Christian Church that meets upstairs in another church’s building. This tiny community of Lithuanian believers—about 15 members when we first attended—is led by a “tent-making” pastor who works as a plumber during the week. They have showed such grace to us and other LCC families. They welcome us as Christ’s family and even go the length of making sure everything gets translated into English so that we can all worship in our “heart language.”
But it’s not just the church here that is important. As we head into our fourth year of this crazy journey of being academic missionaries in Eastern Europe with Resonate Global Mission, we have learned the important lesson that “our” churches in the U.S. are vital to our ministry as well.
We’ve always known we cannot be the hands and feet of Christ to the world without being connected to the body of Christ. But teaching here, being connected with churches both here and there, has really brought home to us how this really is one body, one Christ, and that wherever we are, we really are joining with you in your work—our work—Christ’s work, wherever you are.
Benjamin and Tricia Groenewold Van Dyke serve as philosophy professors at LCC International University, a Resonate Global Mission partner in Lithuania. Students come to LCC from more than 30 countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. While LCC is a Christian liberal arts university, many students are not familiar with the gospel when they arrive. You can learn more about them and their work here.
Faith Practices, Global Mission
Global Mission, Biblical Justice
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Church is holy place where people can share their life’s worries and happiness, thanks to God for giving us a precious life. And thanks for adding more faith into this by sharing how important is a church by interviewing the guy at LCC International University.
I am not a missionary, but I wouldn't last long without my church family which acts as my anchor to sanity. In fact, while I was completing a Bachelor's degree in Sherbrooke, QC, my work term coordinator who had taken me under her wing, impressed upon me the fact that I needed a support network to get well and stay well. She worked at developing it for me there, and when my mom decided it was time I move back to Montreal, the First CRC to which I had belonged since I officially joined it in 1977 became one of its pillars.
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