What Method Works Best for Online or "Non Check" Giving?
It has been a while since there was any discussion regarding online giving. This idea seems to be gaining popularity in other denominations. Does the CRC have a platform designed for online giving? I'm interested in hearing how it works for your church and who do you use. Have you seen an increase in your giving? I am looking specifically for input from churches in the U.S.
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Hi Lori. Our church uses a company called Vanco to process online giving. This company was recommended to us by the company we use for our church database (Servant Keeper). I'm not sure if online donations has made a significant increase in givings, but it is convenient.
For CRC denomination-wide giving, I know they're in testing mode with an app called the Bridge App (already in use in Canadian churches, but only in test stages in the US). For more information about that, look here: https://network.crcna.org/church-communications/bridge-app-exciting-new-tool-local-church
There are a number of giving/donation apps that are specifically designed for churches. Tithely is one that a number of churches are using, although I do not have any personal experience with it.
I am part of the team that is working on The Bridge App, which as Rachael said in her comment, is available to CRCs in Canada, and we are accommodating some US churches that have specifically asked to use the app even though it has not yet been customized for the US.
We are currently waiting for a version update of The Bridge App to be released in the App Store (should happen within days), and there are major enhancements to the Give function to allow for credit or debit giving, and one time or recurring donations. The Bridge App allows churches to add causes for their budget, and second offering or local causes with start and expiry dates. Churches also have options on how the receipting is handled. And the Give function is packaged with other Bridge App features such as announcements, prayers, events and membership directory, devotions and Bible, so users are not jumping around between multiple apps.
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