Grace means God is sufficient, not me.
Grace means I am incapable of discovering God’s truth on my own and need it to be revealed to me and handed down from on high.
Grace means I am unrighteous and will be needing a massive reworking, a complete overhaul, to be able to stand in the father’s throne room.
The Bible says in” (Second Corinthians 5:21) “He made Him who knew no sin to become sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. Save me, O Lord. I need thy grace to make me new, complete, worthy.
Grace means that because I have been unfaithful in the past and show every evidence of being unfaithful in the present and even the future, I will continue to need lots and lots of grace from here on in.
I’d better get used to trusting the Lord’s grace because it’s all we have that is guaranteed to sustain us through all the future.
Grace yesterday, today, and forever. God is love.
Anyone needing reassurance today that God is a God of love need look no further than your own stubborn, rebellious heart.
But still, He stays and loves, gives and forgives, blesses and accepts.
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