Disability Week encourages congregations to grow in becoming places of belonging for everyone and places to engage their gifts in ministry — with a particular focus on people with disabilities. Christian Reformed churches (CRC) and ministries are encouraged to celebrate Disability Week. Find resources on this page specifically for this year.
Resources on Employment of People with Disabilities
- Bulletin insert, “Employment and Disability.” To print these yourself, feel free to use the grayscale or color copies below. To request printed color inserts (free to CRC churches), please use this request form.
- Putting Faith to Work: The Call and Opportunity for Faith Communities to Transform the Lives of People with Disabilities and Their Communities. Church communities have the opportunity and capacity to transform the lives of many people with disabilities, their families, and their communities by helping people find meaningful jobs, assume valued roles, and share their gifts and vocation with others. Putting Faith To Work enables faith communities to address the employment needs of some of their members, by connecting people with disabilities to quality employment opportunities through the natural networks represented by congregational members, and to provide (or make linkages to) other supports.
- Find many more resources for worship, study, hospitality, and employment on the CRC Disability Concerns website. Download Disability Week slides. See also the communication that Disability Concerns sent to CRC deacons attached to this post.
Contact Us
To explore ways your congregation can become more accessible to and be welcoming of people with disabilities — and make a difference beyond the walls of your church — contact Disability Concerns (888-463-0272; [email protected]).
Thanks so much for these resources and information about this year's Disability Week. Hopefully, pastors, worship planning teams, church educational leaders and others will use and share this so that our churches and ministries will become more accessible and inclusive . . . as we should be.
Jack, I hope so too. We're using multiple ways to get the word out, but it can be challenging to be heard above the roar of communications to churches. I'll attach to this post a communication we are sending this week to CRC deacons. Feel free to share these materials with anyone you wish. Thanks for your work in ministry with people with disabilities!
I forward to Council members everything I get from DC that I feel they ought to know about.
Good job Mark! We all are disabled by life in various ways! Some are just visible!
Thanks Ken. Yes, like Barb Newman likes to say, we're all like green and pink puzzle pieces. Every one of us has things we're good at and things we are not good at, and those things differ with each of us. So we all need each other.
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