Disability Concerns, General Worship
Litany for Disability Awareness

Leader: Jesus Christ, friend to all,
People: Give us the grace and the love to stretch out our arms wide and embrace, in your name, all those whom you love, especially those persons with disabilities.
Leader: Jesus Christ, hope of all the nations,
People: Help us to be a church that is welcoming and accepting, and which sees in everyone an expression of you.
Leader: Pour out your Spirit upon us, we pray,
People: That we may recognize and promote the gifts of all people, so that each of us may, in our own ways and with our own abilities, participate in the mission of Jesus Christ.
All: Give us the courage to be lights of welcome in the darkness of exclusion, a voice of gentleness in the wilderness of the unheard, and an outstretched hand of love to those longing for community, that we may welcome in Christ's name all who are sent our way. Amen.
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Do you mind if I use this in Sunday's order of worship?
Yes, please use it, Michele!
BTW, even though the Network attributes the litany to me, I am not the author. I inherited it in my RCA Disability Concerns role.
Hi Terry and Michele:
It looks like this litany/prayer was provided by Church of the Crossroads (with permission to use). I've added in this information.
Thanks for asking!
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