Roundup of Webinars From Disability Concerns
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Disability Concerns has produced several webinars that are important resources for pastors, disability advocates, families, Sunday School teachers, and all disciples of Christ who seek to be a church where everybody belongs and everybody serves!
Topics include children and youth with disabilities, mental health issues, ways of showing welcome that go beyond physical accessibility, and more. Here they are in one post for your convenience.
Webinar: Redirecting Challenging Behaviors
Description: This presentation was part of the conference “Doing Ministry With Youth on the Margins” in Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 8, 2014.
Presenter: Barb Newman, Christian Learning Center Network
Time: 34:10
You can view this webinar by clicking on the Disability Concerns You Tube Channel.
Webinar: Autism and Children's Ministry
Description: This webinar will give you the tools you need for understanding the basics of ASD, employing strategies for including individuals with ASD, and managing difficult behaviors. You’ll learn how to form an action plan and get started.
Presenter: Nella Uitvlugt served as Executive Director of Friendship Ministries, an interdenominational organization dedicated to sharing God’s love with people who have intellectual disabilities and enabling them to become active members of God’s family. She consults with pastors and congregations on topics concerning the spiritual needs of people with intellectual disabilities.
This webinar was recorded on October 3, 2012.
Time: 57:10
You can view this webinar below or directly on the Disability ConcernsYou Tube Channel.
Webinar: Youth, Depression, and Suicide
Description: The World Health Organization has reported that globally, depression is the #1 cause of illness and disability in the 10-19 year old age group, and suicide ranks 3rd among causes of death. Mental illness is increasingly threatening the lives of our children. This webinar will discuss the issues of depression and suicide particular to youth and how we as a church can be equipped to be effectively helpful and supportive. For additional information about Faith and Hope Ministries visit Visit Disability Concerns for additional mental health and youth resources at
Presenters: June Zwier M.Div, works for Shalem Mental Health Network and Winnie Visser M.Div, is in private practice and works as a Congregational Care Coordinator. Both are marriage and family therapists. June worked in the mental health and social services field for 25 years and Winnie was a nurse on a psychiatric ward for 16 years. They have a passion to help churches become informed and supportive communities around people with mental illnesses. Both are resource consultants for Faith and Hope Ministries started by Classis Quinte in ON and are part of the Mental Health Task Force of Disabilities Concerns.
Webinar recorded on April 22, 2015.
Time: 57:53
You can view this webinar below or directly on the Disability Concerns You Tube Channel.
Webinar: Why Don't They Just Snap Out of It?
Description: Have you ever asked this question after visiting someone for what seems the 100th time with no change in sight? Mood disorders and anxiety disorders are on the rise. Everyone knows a family member, a neighbour, co-worker, someone in your congregation or in your Elder’s district, your Deacon’s list or on your caregiver schedule. This webinar will give resources to walk alongside those who experience mental illnesses in a way that is supportive.
Presenters: June Zwier M.Div, works for Shalem Mental Health Network and Winnie Visser M.Div, is in private practice and works as a Congregational Care Coordinator. Both are marriage and family therapists. June worked in the mental health and social services field for 25 years and Winnie was a nurse on a psychiatric ward for 16 years. They have a passion to help churches become informed and supportive communities around people with mental illnesses. Both are resource consultants for Faith and Hope Ministries started by Classis Quinte in ON and are part of the Mental Health Task Force of Disabilities Concerns.
Webinar recorded November 12, 2014
Time: 57:27
You can view this webinar below or directly on the Disability Concerns You Tube Channel.
Webinar: Walking Beside Persons with Mental Illness
Description: Do you care? Of course you do! But sometimes our care can miss the mark when our understanding is lacking. In this webinar we will look at how to take first steps in walking beside someone with mental illness. Various forms of mental illness will be introduced such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and bi-polar disorder, and suggestions will be given for what people in the pew can do to respond in love. Responding to threats of suicide and setting boundaries also will touched on.
Presenter: Elly VanAlten is a retired registered nurse. She spent the last 23 1/2 years of her nursing career working mostly as a staff educator in a long-term care facility that specialized in caring for persons with psychogeriatric illnesses. She’s also journeyed with her daughter and close friends in their struggles with mental illnesses. She’s passionate about educating people on mental illness and aging and how we can help these folks to have the best quality of life they can have within the limitations of their disabilities. Elly is a member of Trinity CRC in Edmonton, AB.
This webinar was recorded September 26, 2012.
Time: 1:09:11
You can view this webinar below or directly on the Disability Concerns You Tube Channel.
Webinar: Oops–Stop Accidentally Offending People
Description: Jesus calls us to love people as he loves us. Yet, without even realizing it, we can be unloving in our words and our actions. In this interactive webinar, we'll give our Top 5 Lists, from four different perspectives, for becoming more hospitable and loving in a diverse world, and give lots of opportunity for audience interaction.
Panelists: Shannon Jammal-Hollemans, Collaborative Program Developer for Faith Formation Ministries, Christian Reformed Church; Kate Kooyman, Coordinator for Restorative Justice, Office of Social Justice, Christian Reformed Church; Esteban Lugo, Director of Race Relations, Christian Reformed Church; and Mark Stephenson, Director of Disability Concerns, Christian Reformed Church.
Webinar recorded on November 4, 2015
Time: 53:36
You can view this webinar below or directly on the Disability Concerns You Tube Channel.
Webinar: The Church Needs Every Piece to Create the Whole Picture
Description: When the apostle Paul describes the church as the body of Christ, he paints a picture of inclusion, belonging, acceptance, and participation. Much like the picture on a puzzle box, we need to work at creating this picture piece by piece in our churches. Though each piece needs and contributes to those around it, too often people with disabilities are viewed only as needing but not giving to others around them. This webinar teaches ways to recognize that every individual, including persons with disabilities, has been created with gifts that are needed by the body of Christ.
Presenters: Shellie Power is the Director at Hope Centre Ministries, a Winnipeg based (CRC supported) ministry that provides spiritual care for individuals with disabilities, support for families with children with disabilities, as well as resources and training for churches as they seek to better include individuals with disabilities in their fellowship. Rev. Mark Stephenson is the Director of Christian Reformed Disability Concerns. Before this call, he pastored two congregations for 17 years. He and his wife Bev have four living children including Nicole, their oldest, who lives joyfully with severe multiple disabilities. Mark’s mother lived with dementia for her final 12 years.
Recorded December 3, 2014.
Time: 58:22
You can view this webinar below or directly on the Disability Concerns You Tube Channel.
Webinar: Is Everyone Really Welcome to Your Church?
Description: Many church leaders think of people with disabling conditions only in terms of their needs. Therefore, these leaders miss out on the blessing God gives eagerly to churches that fully engage people with disabilities in the life and ministry of the church. This webinar explores the biblical foundations for engaging people with disabilities in church life and the blessings and benefits that come to churches that do so. Audio for the video clip that was shared in this webinar is not part of the recording. Click here to watch the video introduction for Disability Concerns.
Presenter: Rev. Mark Stephenson is the Director of Disability Concerns, a ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. Before this call, he pastored two congregations for 17 years. He and his wife Bev have four living children including Nicole, their oldest, who lives joyfully with severe multiple disabilities. The webinar was recorded on September 19, 2012.
Time: 54:31
You can view this webinar below or directly on the Disability Concerns You Tube Channel.
Webinar: Beyond the Ramp
Description: A boy in your congregation has autism and many challenging behaviors. A man with intellectual disabilities makes sexually-oriented comments to women in your church. Parents of a girl with severe disabilities are worn out and turn to your congregation for help. What do you do? You’ve begun to apply what you’ve learned but questions still remain about doing ministry with children and/or adults with visual, hearing, intellectual, or physical disabilities. The presenters answered some of these questions and others in this webinar.
Presenters: Nella Uitvlugt served as Executive Director of Friendship Ministries, an interdenominational organization dedicated to sharing God’s love with people who have intellectual disabilities and enabling them to become active members of God’s family. She consults with pastors and congregations on topics concerning the spiritual needs of people with intellectual disabilities. Rev. Mark Stephenson is the Director of Disability Concerns, a ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. Before this call, he pastored two congregations for 17 years. He and his wife Bev have four living children including Nicole, their oldest, who lives joyfully with severe multiple disabilities.
Time: 51:40
You can view this webinar below or directly on the Disability Concerns You Tube Channel.
Faith Nurture, Disability Concerns
General Planning Resources, Disability Concerns
Disability Concerns
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Thank you so much for sharing these in one place. Including the time and description is very helpful, too. Appreciate it!
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