Memory ... a tool of grace.
For me today I am thankful for memory; with two cochlear implants now, the ability to hear people relies on my memory — if I heard your voice once, my mind will associate the electrical current it receives through the cochlear processor with that memory — and I will "hear" you. If I have not heard you before, I must rely on voices I have stored in my mind and create your voice- you will never know how I hear you, but I will "hear" you!
I often wonder what it will be like as I perhaps enter into dementia someday and even face Alzheimer's disease. My mother (the third one) passed on with the early stages of Alzheimers, but her dementia was far advanced — science is still trying to sort out how those illnesses really work — but they are real.
Perhaps my future will be like a house of mirrors with all the voices I have heard and will be hearing; playing tricks on me, silly as that may seem. Who knows?
But ... regardless of the outcome, I am confident I will be able to hear my Father's voice. I am reminded of that, John 10:27): My sheep listen to (in some versions hear) my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
What will tomorrow be like? Listen — that's what I will be doing ... by grace.
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Dutch, Thanks for sharing. My mother has severe dementia. Even her perceptions of what she hears and sees are affected by this degeneration of her brain. I just pray that by God's grace she continues to have the assurance of God's love.
Hi Mark,
We have talked about this before. I honestly believe you nothing to worry about. If you saw Jesus in her before, I will garrentee that God is with her. He never abandons us!! My mom just got back from the hospital. At 94 she has luccid times but most of the time she lives in a world of her own. I am greatful that she at times seems at peace in that world even though were not there with her. I went with my mother when i was young to visit G. Ma in the rest home . She was suffered from severe dementia. My best memory was listening to her royaly messing up some hymn or spiritual advice. The message got through not with her words but with intent in those blank eyes. I cherish that memory that as assurance that we are never alone if we believe that how could a loving God abandon us at the point of complete dependence. Is isn't spiritualy logical .She's OK Mark and may be feeling more secure without any abilities. Besides, There is nothing we due in this kingdom of His besides provide our selves as a vessel to His power and love. He did this with animals in the Bible and he can thrive in any human no matter what the state of the person. I will pray for your mom and your family to feel the rediculous peace that God provides me at times. He occasionaly opens my eyes to what he is doing with impeccable timing and a loving conviction. Grag it Mark
Hi Ken, Thanks for your reassuring words. Yes, I trust that God is always with her and will not abandon her at this late date in her life. Sometimes, though, she's so anxious and restless that it doesn't LOOK like she has any assurance at all. But like you I trust that God will walk with her through this final part of her sojourn here on earth, and will reassure her when she needs it most. Thanks too for your prayers. I pray that your mother too may know that same assurance of God's grace and presence and peace day by day.
Thanks Mark,(broken record) For the phone call too. God convicted me through your words. Objectivity is elusive even when your looking for it! It a good thing to be corrected by Christian brother. iT'S EVEN BETTER WHEN gOD PLACES ON YOUR MIND THAT HE IS ONE OF hIS SOLDIERS TOO.
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