The Abuse of Power Adoptions from Synod 2019 for Classes to Consider:

In 2018, synod "appoint[ed] a small team to bring recommendations through the Council of Delegates to Synod 2019 regarding how the CRCNA can best address the patterns of abuse of power at all levels of the denomination." This team finished their report, the Council of Delegates approved it (you can read that report in the supplement to the agenda here with the specific recommendations on page 12 and on page 50-78 is the full report). Synod 2019 then voted and adopted motions very similar to that original report, you can see all of the adoptions here.
Included in these adoptions were some specific actions for classes of the CRCNA to consider. All of the motions that pertain to classes are listed below. Please note that these are not all of the adoptions that were made as recommended from the Addressing Abuse of Power Report, just ones that relate in some way to classes of the Christian Ref. Church.
c. Code of conduct (Video Link: Discussion 7"-1:06")
That synod mandate the committee appointed by action in Recommendation b (which will be developing a training for pastors in abuse of power) to draft a code of conduct for all employed ministry staff within the CRC. The draft code of conduct will be presented to Synod 2020 for approval and with recommendations for implementation for the denomination, classes, and churches.
e. Training at classis and local levels (Video Link: Discussion 1:07:10" - 1:15:00")
g. Policy on non-disclosure agreements (Video Link: Discussion 4:54" - 6:46")
That synod direct the executive director to do the following:
h. Funds for counseling services (Video Link: Discussion 6:46" - 13:47")
k. Creating a culture that prevents abuse of power (Video Link: Discussion 28:00" - 58:37" K1-3: 28:00"-32:28" K4: -58:37")
6. That synod take note of the annual report provided regarding classes that have implemented a Safe Church team, and progress by the remaining classes; also reported is the number of congregations that have Safe Church teams and policies (COD Supplement section II, A, 4 and Appendices D1 and D2, pp.55 and 56).
Safe Church, Leadership Development
Safe Church
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