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Last year, with assistance from Kelli Sexton, then Coordinator of the Classis Zeeland Diaconal Conference (CZDC), I (Jack Kooyman, from the Holland Deacons' Conference or HDC) developed a multi-media slide presentation for use during a workshop introducing RCA and CRC deacons to their primary roles and responsibilities, as well as to the work of HDC.

Following the workshops, we received evaluation results and comments compiled by the organizers of the training event (RCA Holland Classis), were all very positive. Largely due to these positive responses, we wanted to make the training more widely available to deacons from congregations and communities served and supported by CRC Classis Hollland, RCA Holland Classis, and Classis Zeeland Diaconal Conference (CRC/RCA).

One of the ways that HDC decided to provide this training was via a self-guided online and/or downloadable multi-media training presentation. (Most of the content in the presentation is what was presented and discussed during the workshops.)

Although prepared specifically for deacons from area congregations and communities, there are plenty of resources and information which could easily be used, adapted and/or applied by any CRC or RCA deacons. We offer it here simply as an example and possible resource for you to use, adapt, and/or share with the deacons from your congregation.

So, check it out and let me you what you think:

1) Is it is a useful resource?

2.) Is it is something the deacons at your church might consider using?

3.) Do you think combining information and material from and about CRC and RCA deacons in one presentation is helpful?  Please explain...

4.) How do you think it could be improved and made more useful?

Thanks for taking the time to check this out. I hope you find it useful and worthwhile!

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