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The Permanent Revolution Playbook, by Alan Hirsch and Tim Catchim, is a practical resource for assisting church leaders in identifying, understanding and intentionally engaging the fivefold ministries of apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers (APEST) that exist within their congregations. Designed to be a six-week exploration into Ephesians 4 with special emphasis on how APEST functions in groups and teams, it is the follow up to their new book The Permanent Revolution (Review)It is available in print or for Kindle.

Specifically, The Permanent Revolution Playbook is designed to help small groups and leadership teams develop:

  • Greater awareness of the Biblical foundations for the fivefold ministry vocations of Ephesians 4, with an emphasis on clear and practical definitions for each gifting.
  • Deeper appreciation for how each gifting uniquely contributes to the growth and maturity of the church as movement.
  • A clear assessment of both individual and group ministry profiles, with practical tools and processes for identifying key areas for individual and group development.
  • Closer alignment for negotiating the tensions between unity and diversity, with implications for equipping and empowering others for ministry and leadership.

You can get a sneak peak of The Permanent Revolution by visiting a free preview of the Intro and Week #1

"If you have been well-versed in the missional conversation this book [The Permanent Revolution] will continue to expand your conception of the nature of the church and how to put feet to it. If you are just getting your feet wet in the missional conversation this book will blow your mind and then put it all back together again. Whether you are seeking to plant a church or transform your established church, this book is an essential piece of the puzzle that we need to grapple with. There is so much of value here a simple review like this won’t do it justice. Go get yourself a copy. I highly recommend it." Scott Emery, The Storied Community,

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