Last week we introduced the ability to follow a conversation with email alerts.
Today, we've added the ability to get email alerts of all the new postings by a particular user. So you can follow postings by your friends, fellow church members, or another user you've found to be particularly insightful. Or funny. Or profound. Or just plain interesting.
To get email alerts for a particular user, just visit their profile and click where it says to "Follow all posts by __". Be sure you're logged in, else you won't see this option.
All of these email alerts are highly customizable. You can decide whether you want to be alerted instantly, or have the alerts summarized into a daily or weekly email. You can put the alerts on pause, or delete specific alerts at any time. All of these preferences can be adjusted at any time in the "Notifications" tab of your user profile.
Questions? Feel free to reply to this post. If all goes according to plan, that'll trigger an alert to my inbox :-)
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Tim, how do I search for people on the Network? If I'd like to see, for example, whether "Lisa K" is on the Network – someone who just sent me a message, so I know she's here – and I type "Lisa K" in the search box in my profile, I get no results. What am I missing? Thanks for your time! Stanley
Good question. I don't know of a way to search for users, but an even easier way is to go to "My Profile" and look at your "profile visitors". The person you mentioned is listed there...just click on her name.
In the meantime, add it is a feature request using the "Feedback" tab (hanging off the right side of every page). If others vote it up, we'll consider adding something to make it easier to search for users. Good suggestion. Thanks.
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