Looking For a Guide or Two, and Maybe You
1 comment
Are you a church member who is willing to share your experience and enthusiasm for ministry? If so, we should talk.
The Network is recruiting new guides.
A few of our guides (Church Administration, Small Groups, Worship) will soon be finishing their turn as guide and main blogger of their respective networks. And others will wrap up later this year. Our guides are volunteers who usually serve one-year terms; so we're always on the lookout for good people who are willing to share some of what they've learned and experienced.
Interested? Great. First check our Guide Expectations to get the details on the passion, posture, and particulars we're looking for. Then, to throw your hat in the ring for a particular network, fill out the Network Guide Application/Nomination Form.
Note that it’s not just a form to toss your own name into the ring...you can also use it to nominate someone else who you think would make a good guide.
Thanks for your help in finding our next volunteer guides.
P.S. You can also suggest a specific blog topic, or you can even volunteer to write it yourself as a guest blog. So if a one-year guide term seems a bit much for you right now, consider a guest blog post.
Connect to The Network and add your own question, blog, resource, or job.
Add Your Post
Please use the Network Guide Application/Nomination Form to apply or nominate.
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