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Before we say goodbye to 2017, let's look back at some of the most-read posts from the past year!
These posts have gained popularity in a variety of different ways. For example, the discussion guide on Trevor Noah’s book Born a Crime appears first in a Google search. Many of these posts were shared like crazy on social media (including the #1 post). Still others grew organically with traffic coming from subscriber emails and searches performed on the site. It’s also worth noting that some of these posts were published at the beginning of the year and have had more time to grow than some of the newer posts. Lots of factors at play!
So without further ado, here are the Top 17 most-read posts that were published in 2017 on The Network.
Does this list surprise you? Notice any trends? Got a favorite post?
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Very interesting list, in some ways reflecting the concerns of the country (safety, racial reconciliation) and also reflecting the concerns of the CRCNA and all churches. Lot's of good discussion provoking reading here.
Good work, Staci DeVries.
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