Is there a good location to post jobs within the CRC network?

I am currently working with Haveman Brothers located in Thunder Bay, Ontario. We are a Christian based company that offers tree planting positions for the months of May and June. It is a great summer employment opportunity for university students as there is potential to make great money and meet new friends all admist the beauty (and occasional harshness) of nature. Tree planting often has a bad rep as housing a rough crowd, sometimes deterring people from applying. Therefore, we thought it would be great if there was a way we could spread the word about the opportunity to be able to plant trees in a calmer camp environment that places high emphasis on Christian values. Does anybody know if there a good place to do this within the CRC network? Thank you so much!
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The Network website does not have a designated spot for a posting such as this. However, I believe the Banner magazine accepts classified ads if you want to investigate that route.
Thank you so much for your help and input Jonathan. I appreciate it and will look into putting an advertisement into the Banner.
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