Preparing for Profession of Faith?

We are currently preparing students for Public Profession of Faith (PPF) in our local church. Happily, we have students from grades 11, 12 and also some young adults who want to declare their faith publicly. We are trying to be a little more open and creative as to how this preparation occurs. Accordingly, some of the students are being mentored in a small group setting, and others are taking a formal class, and one couple is even being mentored by an elder. I wonder how you or your church prepares students for PPF? For example, what model do you use (i.e., classroom, small group, one-on-one mentoring) and why? Also, what curriculum have you found the most helpful?
Faith Nurture
Faith Nurture, Biblical Justice
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
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Hi Leon,
How encouraging to hear of these folks who want to profess their faith and that they can do so in open and creative ways! If you are interested, the Professing Our Faith toolkit also has ideas and creative ways churches have explored professing faith. FFM's regional catalyzers are also available to to coach, brainstorm and walk alongside CRC churches and leaders with faith formation questions. We'd love to start a conversation to get you connected! Just email
Thank you for reminding me about this toolkit. I will review it! Thank you for providing such resources for the church.
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