Resources on Preparing Youth for Baptism?
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Does anyone have suggestions for resources that can be used for helping children/youth prepare for baptism?
Thank you for any ideas or helpful resources!
Faith Nurture, Intergenerational Ministry
Faith Nurture, Faith Practices
Church Renewal, Faith Nurture
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Hi Joe,
The best resource I can think of is one that was designed to be a two part workshop that a church would offer on the Lord's Supper. The reason it comes to mind for your situation is because the first workshop is all about baptism and the second workshop connects baptism to the Lord's Supper. It was designed to be something that families would attend together and which would be led by a pastor or elder or other congregational leader. It's called Taste and See and is sold in a downloadable format. Click here to read a sample. It does require some gathering of supplies but what I love about it is that it's very hands-on and interactive.
Another idea you might want to check out is Children at the Table which is a resource Tom Bomhof from Fleetwood CRC created as a way to teach children about the Lord's Supper. It's also a 2 part workshop and the first session touches on baptism. It's great too!
Finally, here's a link to "We Baptized Vivian!" an article which contains some ideas from other churches on ways to make baptism a special celebration.
Hope that helps!
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