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The Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA, or CRC) recognizes the Biblical truth that God created men and women differently, that God created marriage to be the union of a biological man and a biological woman, and that the family unit created by such a union is the foundation for civilization.
These are blessings given to us by God, for our good. Thus, any rejection of these blessed truths leads to sin, misery, and separation from God.
Over the past several years, LGBTQ+ activists have attempted to sway the CRC, and convince our denomination to abandon the historical, Confessional, and Scriptural truths about God’s design for gender, marriage, sexuality, and the family. But the Christian Reformed Church has held firm to God’s commands!
Below are 7 questions designed to bring clarity and understanding to these issues:
The members, office bearers, and teachings of the Christian Reformed Church affirm the truth of Scripture, over and above any whims of society or personal preferences. We must submit to the Truth of God’s Word in all things, even things that may be personally painful or unpopular in the wider society.
Therefore, the CRC and her members recognize the undeniable truth that God created marriage, the family, gender, and human sexuality to honor Him. He created marriage as the union between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. He created human sexuality to be enjoyed & experienced between a husband and his wife. Not between 2 men, 2 women, or anyone else who is outside of God’s created design for marriage and family life.
God created marriage, which means He alone sets the ground rules. The United States Supreme Court did not create marriage, therefore the court officials have no legitimate authority to change marriage. The church did not create marriage, therefore the church cannot change marriage. The Christian Reformed Church (and all true Christian churches) do not recognize the legitimacy of same-sex “marriage.” In other words, true marriage exists between 1 man and 1 woman. Anything else is not a marriage.
Nowhere does Scripture say that sin magically becomes “not sin” when committed by 2 people who love each other. We are called to submit to God’s teachings, not attempt to manipulate or dismiss His commands because it suits our emotional needs, makes us more acceptable to the world, or fits our "learned experiences."
God gives us His good gifts & commands for our benefit. Any deviation from His will, as expressed in Scripture, inevitably brings trouble on us, our families, and our churches. All sexual sin (including homosexual behavior) is dysfunctional and damaging to God’s design for our families. The Bible recognizes that there can seem to be pleasure in sin, for a season. But in the end, sin can only bring death.
Accusations of “hatred” or being “anti-gay” are bully tactics used to avoid reasonable discussions of Scriptural truth, scientific evidence, and social reality. Anyone using these tactics is admitting the deficiency and inadequacy of their own ideas, relying on brute force and bullying to “win” their argument.
People who recognize and willingly submit to the Truth of Scripture are not anti-gay. On the contrary, we love all people far more than the Enemy who lies to them and says, “Did God really say…?”.
The Christian Reformed Church is home to countless members, pastors, and office bearers who struggle with all kinds of sins, including the sin of same-sex attraction and the temptation to commit sexual sin. Brothers and sisters who are same-sex attracted, yet have submitted their lives to the authority of Christ found in Scripture, and embraced celibacy or heterosexual marriage as their call to fulfill God’s will in their lives, participate in all aspects of life & community within the CRC.
Any group of people who have actively denied such a fundamental teaching as God’s design for marriage, family, and human sexuality can no longer be recognized as part of the true Church of Scripture. They have abandoned God’s Truth for a lie, and have voluntarily left the covenant of true believers.
Furthermore, the matter of affirming & accepting LGBTQ behavior can never be treated as a decision of each individual church congregation. The matter is fundamental to the teachings of Scripture, and cannot be a "debatable" matter on which churches in covenant agree to disagree. Comparisons to other matters, such as the question of women serving in church office, are illogical and unreasonable. They are tactics used to "win" the argument, by attempting to say that by having any locally-determined matters within the church, ALL matters can be determined locally. Frankly, the comparison to "women in office" is insulting to all women who serve faithfully within the church, and submit to authority of Scripture.
Classis Grand Rapids East has openly advocated for changing CRC doctrine and teachings to abandon Scripture and endorse LGBTQ behavior.
An activist group called “All One Body” (A1B) was formed by a small number of members within the Christian Reformed Church several years ago. A1B sought to transform the CRC into a pro-LGBTQ denomination, but thankfully they failed at that goal. Synod, which is the governing body of the Christian Reformed Church, rejected A1B’s attempts at multiple Synods, including in 2016, 2022, and 2023.
A small number of leaders within the CRC have also come out publicly and denied the truth of Scripture regarding marriage, family, and human sexuality.
After the Synod of the CRC confirmed the denomination’s Scriptural and Confessional stance on the issue of human sexuality and marriage, another group was formed to continue the work of All One Body, but in a less aggressive way. A group called “Better Together” was formed, whose goal is to help individual congregations and office bearers within the CRC to resist the denomination’s beliefs & teachings from the inside, cause division by promoting the pro-LGBTQ stance, and either win the ability to have a “local option” on this issue, or help the deviant congregations to separate into a new denomination.
All of these activities are deeply troubling, but not surprising. Throughout the history of the Church there have always been individuals and groups who contradict the clear teachings of Scripture. Those who do so should be placed under the loving discipline of the Church until they submit to the authority of Christ in their lives, and repent.
The Christian Reformed Church has a duty to discipline any members or congregations who willfully deny the Truth of Scripture, or encourage others to do so. Discipline may be exercised by a local church council (in the instance of a wayward member), or a Classis (in the instance of a wayward church), or by the CRC’s annual Synod or the Council of Delegates (in the instance of a wayward Classis, or when a council or Classis refuses to exercise discipline against a member or congregation).
Additionally, a Classis or Synod can refuse to seat any delegates who refuse to submit to the authority of Scripture. Individuals or congregations who rebel against the Lordship of Christ should not be given positions of leadership within Christ’s Church.
In other words, Scripture is very clear that the true Church cannot tolerate ongoing sinful behavior at any level of the Church, and is commanded by the Head of the Church (Jesus Christ) to lovingly admonish fellow believers, and to ask those who refuse to submit to leave peacefully.
Man-made rules and operational procedures (such as “Church Order”) should be followed to the greatest extent possible. But when the matter involves such a fundamental teaching of the Church, man-made rules should never take precedent over actions which preserve the integrity of the Gospel.
The members, ministers, and office-bearers of the Christian Reformed Church recognize that the questions surrounding the LGBTQ agenda will not be going away anytime soon. We recognize that real people have real pain concerning these matters. Jesus is the answer to those questions, and the solution to that pain. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, and the continuing grace of God the Father, we know that our Savior Jesus Christ is able to uphold His true Church. And He is able to re-form us into His image.
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