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What would it look like to be freed from the pressure to have to make church work, to work to have more people to do more programs to fabricate more energy and to do more with less? It's tiring just thinking about it.

What if there was a better way to being the church rather than doing church?
If you’re asking these questions, or resonate with them, a pastors prayer coaching group may be for you.
For more information, check out this CRC Network post.

If you long for a deeper prayer life personally, a culture of prayer for your church, and a new way for a congregation to be shaped, this pastors prayer cohort may be for you.

I will be offering two cohort opportunities in the fall:

Cohort #1 - Tuesdays, 1:00-2:30 Central time
Sept 3, 17, Oct 1, 15, 29, Nov 12, 26, Dec 10

Cohort #2 - Wednesdays, 2:00-3:30 pm Central time
Sept 4, 18, Oct 2, 16, 30, Nov 13, 27, Dec 11

If you are interested, email Jon Hoekema [email protected] and let him know what day option works best for you.

What participants from the first group are saying:

Jon Hoekema not only knows about prayer, he lives a life of transformative prayer and models it in his ministry. Having him walk alongside me and others in a small group setting was invaluable. Jon's non-anxious and open approach to his brothers and sisters in a learning community was very rich and inspiring. Plus, I learned a new (to me) model of corporate prayer which is rooted in scripture and has transformative potential. -  Paul

I'm glad that I participated in Jon's first prayer coaching cohort. Learning the 4x4 method and hearing the continual reminders that prayer cultures take persistence and patience was very helpful. This is an excellent training for any pastor or layperson interested in being encouraged in their personal and communal life of prayer. I'm so grateful that Jon shared his gifts, skills and experience in this way. - Ashley

The 90-minute sessions with my prayer coaching cohort were so rich. We prayed together in meaningful ways, we practiced ideas that we had read about, and we discussed how to fit specific prayer practices into our personal lives and ministries. I gained a new tool for leading in prayer, I gained new friends, and I gained a reaffirmed commitment to wait on God to act. He is Lord of the Church, he is the Hero in our Story. Glory to God! - Cara

Jon's experience, knowledge, and personal journey of growing closer to the Lord through prayer makes the coaching experience worthwhile. It allowed me to think more intentionally about my own prayer life and the prayer culture at my church. The readings and discussions are helpful, but even more helpful--putting the lessons into practice. The coaching has helped me take some more steps forward in my prayer journey. - Dan  

The Prayer Coaching Cohort helped me refocus and reorient ministry around what is most important - paying attention to God and what he is doing in our church and our world. I was encouraged by materials, discussions, and opportunities to join together with other church leaders in prayer. - Nicole 

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