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This is not only true for young Christians but all Christians. We need to be constantly on a road of being discipled and discipling  others. All believers must continue to grow in Christ and in living the way that Jesus led. It is a life long endeavor that for too long many churches have neglected.

Posted in: Prayer Songs

I've just past this post on to our Worship Director. Twice a month we have a special time of Intercessory Prayer and I think this could be very powerful. Especially if done with only a piano or a couple of guitars. Thank you for the idea!

We sometimes sing a doxology at the end of the service but not very often. I really miss closing the service with praise to God. Last week we sang "The New Doxology" which is based on the traditional one "Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow," What a way to end the service. Yes, I wish we sang a doxology every week or at least more often.

As the prayer ministry leader, I lead our Prayer Services and we always end with the Doxology. After brining our praise and petitions to God, it is only fitting that we praise the One who hears and answers us.

I think our church has a long way to go to even begin talking about sacred masculinity. Never mind bringing up the difference between sacred and cultural. I wonder how other churches have gone about this.

I'm so glad to hear the actions of Classis Toronto and the resignation of the former Pastor. I do not think that there is ever a good reason to let a Pastor deposed for sexual misconduct become a leader in the church. I also think that there is a difference between forgiveness and consequences of sin. Many carry the consequences of past abuse by others are whole life. Why should it be different for the offender. I hope that there soon is a better accountability/monitoring system and that there is better education for the churches about what is appropriate.

I actually used an advocate from the Mennonite Central Committee to address past sexual misconduct committed against me. The CRC church was willing and a beautiful story of reconciliation happened. A lot that MEC had to offer was very helpful. The wrong was acknowledged publicly which was very helpful and healing for me. What MEC had to say about justice - making was also a path we followed. I hope the CRC church will develop more material like that and not just worry about wording in the church order.

I've never thought of creating a sacred place in my home or of using liturgical colours and the liturgical calendar. Like you I have many questions about how that might work in my home. I think any place where you can creatively show that this is a sacred space and where you can see it when you have your devotions would be a good thing. I sometimes write my prayers in a journal so that they form part of what I am thinking etc. When I went through a difficult time years back, I put the prayers and scriptures in a special journal so that I could easily recount them. Don't know if that helps or not.

Dear Peter,

Thank you for sharing your poignant story. God is so faithful to us, even in the midst of great struggles. I am so glad the world has changed towards those with disabilities, even though I know there is much farther to go. May God bless you in your work. Congratulations on both your degrees from Calvin Seminary!

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