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We've been using google docs as well. It takes a bit of adjusting to, but overall it serves us well and allows worship planners to contribute when convenient. We also keep a record of all our services in a member-only forum on our website that anyone with a password can go back and revisit, or cut & paste, etc. What's really cool is when you happen to be on the same time as someone else and you can see the letters appear as they are typing. And with automatic notices if the site has been updated, and a document review option, it's very easy to know when you're working with the final document.

Posted in: Worship Banners

Well isn't that interesting! I had visions of shipping banners to Arizona :-) It would actually be easier if you looked at the website, because they're all folded and hanging up, and it's a lot of work to take them out just to look at. If you identify some you're interested in, then by all means, give me a call and we'll arrange a time for you to come here and for me to go your way.

Posted in: Worship Banners

Our church also has many old banners that are still worth using. We occasionally rent them out, and have once borrowed a set from another church. Swapping banners sounds like a good idea to me, but I guess churches have to be in some sort of geographical proximity to make that feasible. If interested in looking at our church's banners, see, e.g., You're also welcome to submit pictures of your banners there if you'd like.

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