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 I've been taking pills since I was five months old because of congenital hypothyroidism--basically my thyroid gland did not function, so the hormones it would normally secrete had to be replaced by synthetic ones.  Since then I started taking meds for depression, then later for schizophrenia, cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes Type 2, and some to counteract the side effects of other meds.  While I know that God could heal or cure any of our ailments, Jesus did not cure all the sick people when He was on earth.  And please note that healing and curing are not perfect synonyms.  God CAN heal us emotionally even if He doesn't choose to cure us, anymore than He didn't cure Paul of his thorn in the flesh.  And nowhere is it written that He blamed Paul for his lack of faith.  God chooses to let Christians suffer from physical ailments as a consequence of original sin so we know what the rest of the world has to live with.  WE should be thankful that meds exist to help people live out their lives and not always make it an issue of having enough faith.

Just to point out a fact, Marc Lépine had only one sister. Both of them died before their mother who is still alive. His sister whose name I don't know died of a drug overdose some years after him.

 Yikes! That's awful. Doctors can be real jerks sometimes, not to say something worse.  It goes to remind us that they are sinners too.  In fact, my mom, age 92, who worked with doctors as a social workers often says that they are business people in white coats because many of them go into medicine for the money, and compassion for patients is mostly an afterthought.

As sewing has never been my forte, that doesn't mean a great deal to me, but I like to paint. While oil painting allows more time to finish a painting, I have had to stick to acrylics because of the smell. Oil paint has a strong smell, and it lasts a long time. That's great if you have a spare room in which to paint and you can close the door after a session, but I don't. I only have a one-bedroom apartment, which means I paint in the living-room kitchen part of my condo, and the smell of oil paint gave me headaches, so I had to switch back to acrylic paint.
Acrylic is odorless, but it dries quickly, so I had to learn to paint fast. While there are products to slow down the drying process, they still don't allow as much time as painting with oils would. But fortunately, by the time I started doing representational work--that means you can tell what the painting is about--I had perfected my technique of working with spatulas. If you want to see some of the results look up my page.

Dear Linda, If you'd like to try acrylics you can find them in art supply stores. They come in varying degrees of viscosity depending on how you want to spread them on your canvas. Personally, since I paint with spatulas, I use the high viscosity sort. Low or medium viscosity would be too runny for my needs. The higher the viscosity the thicker and more substantial the paint, so it stays where you put it.

Yes, well, I get that. I haven't done a painting in ages either, but it wasn't because of a job's requirements. All sorts of things got in the way. I would have liked to share some more in this space but I can't. It only allows for text. Maybe the administrators could figure out a way to add images in here....?

Yes, I'm not a big fan of them myself. I'd rather paint pictures than try to put an existing one back together, but once is a while I will try to fit a piece in.
When I set up to paint, I put music on my sound system that plays in a loop, and then I choose my colors and more or less go in a trance, but that hasn't happened in AGES. There's a guy south of the border that has been rendering me ineffective in most of my endeavors, and now I have another distraction. It's eight-weeks-old, walks on all fours, weighs two pounds and his name is Whisky. He is also in the process of toilet training, and I'm trying to figure out what sort of treats would entice him to go on the pipipad to do his business.

I find it difficult to relate to what you're saying because it doesn't describe my experience of church AT ALL. And yet, Montreal is not exactly a small city. Maybe you haven't visited the right churches before making your sweeping statements? Come and check us out at Montreal CRC.

The author of this comment seems to assume that churches dropped the second service for trivial reasons. Whereas I can't speak for other congregations, that wasn't the case for the Montreal CRC. We tried a variety of formats including Bible studies with singing in the Fellowship Hall, but the people who didn't attend those often complained that they preferred the more traditional service in the sanctuary, yet when we did hold those services they didn't show up either. I moved to Sherbrooke, QC to attend university there in 1992, and when I moved back in 1999 there was no longer a second service. Council had decided to cancel it, and I'm sure they didn't come to that decision lightly.

Interesting.  It took me a long time to find my way because my gifts didn't fit into the conventional ways of serving God in the CRC, where if you're not called to be a pastor, sing in the choir, or teach Sunday School it's easy to wonder if you can serve at all. Eventually, through my gift of writing, my experience with mental illness and bilingualism I found my niche, but it was a slow process.  

And before I ended up as Regional Advocate, and translator of sermon power points, I was baking desserts for Community Supper.  Now it seems that the denomination, or at least the Canadian branch of it, may find further use for my writing and translation skills.  

In the process I have sought God's guidance, though not as precisely as Rev. Muller, and He used my abilities and interests to guide me.  So for those seeking God's guidance about their vocational choices I'd say that He will use who you are and your skills and interests to direct you.  He made you the way you are, so He's not going to try to force you into some career or calling you have neither ability or interest for.  God doesn't waste his time creating people to like certain things and then forcing a square peg into a round hole.  Life might do that to you, but God won't.

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