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Hello Louis,
Although the nomination process you mention is a good one, reality in the local church is that often there are not enough people willing to serve, or just enough people to fill vacancies. It would be great to have twice the amount of nominations needed to fill a slate, but that has become a challenge in many churches. ServiceLink, the Volunteer Services Program of the CRCNA, has been meeting with church leaders over the last year discussing various recruiting methods and strategies to engage volunteers. One of the more successful recruiting methods for elders and deacons that we've come across, has now been posted on our website for others to utilize. We've also posted a template for elder and deacon job descriptions which may be of help to churches.

Hi Jim!
You have a couple of options here. First of all, Back To God Ministries International have a program called Church Juice who can provide you with a Consultant who will walk you through a process as well as provide some training. So check them out.
Secondly, we at ServiceLink can also work with you in recruiting a volunteer to do this work. We've had a few other such requests and are willing to post it for you. Just let us know.
Hope that helps!

andand  and

I've also used Psalm 139 and inserted the person's name ie: O Lord, you have searched Carol and know her... You know when she sits and when she rises... etc.  

Can be a very powerful moment.

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