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Since I'm not an overly chatty person, especially on initial contact, I find others in the group that are gifted in that area; those  that love to and are good at making others feel welcome. Especially, new kids that have not come with a friend; it's scary for them....And, besides, they really don't want to have a long, drawn discussion with a youth leader unless they are looking for advice. I am also blessed with children, Youth Group age that are outgoing and willing to help out that way, also. Unfortunately, it only takes one slip-up and you may never see that young person again....get it right the first night, because otherwise the task to get them to come back is 100 times more difficult!!

AS I'm scrolling thru the posts, I see one from Midland Park, NJ....Godwin Ave. I grew up on Wyckoff Ave, went to elementary school @ Midland Park, CRC, and am still friends with Pastor Tim Brinkerhoff from that church. But now am contemplating 9/11 from outside the country, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Being the Board President of Northwest Christian at the time I especially remember how many friends we knew that were "stuck" in the city...children who's parents couldn't contact their kids and the utter chaos for at least 12 hrs, and up 2 days. And even in all that trauma, what seemed like mayhem to us, I was assured that God had a purpose and a plan and knew exactly what he was doing; although, we were unable to see it, knowing that we didn't need to "fix it" because someone bigger than us was already was standing by and at the helm. Praise be to Him the one we serve who holds our destinies in the palm of His hand.

Leslie: All of us immigrants have had similar moments, but no digital immigrant no longer has any excuse, because even the best excuses no longer connect us with the digital only sets us further behind....which I realize is happening just in the feew minutes it takes me to respond positively to this blog : >)  have a great day!

I take time, this season of the year, to remember the accomplishments throughout the past year, even the tiny ones, and the strengths of those leaders that are working alongside me in the ministry. These little bubbles of joy are a reminder of why I have been called to participate with God in youth ministry. The "tank is empty" feeling can hijack us at any point of the year, but sometimes we are our worst enemy as the school year winds down, relationships are seperating and we start to already anticipate what is/may be in store for us in the Fall. Take some time to Praise God for the opportunities that He has given you throughout the past year and experience a renewal of that will welcome in a Summer filled with Rest and Peace.

We have 4 specific fundRaisers each year. (1) A Valentines Dinner (Feb) where we hire a real chef to cook the meal and decorate to feel romantic - we limit the seating so that it fills up entirely, (2) A Pancake Breakfast April/May - Self Serve, (3) Serve/Cook/Coordinate the food at the Church Picnic (July) and Apple Pie Making (250 pies) - Nov. Then mix in a few new ones that become available throughout the year. Our biggest money-maker, though, is the Apple Pie Making during the holidays. No matter what the fundRaiser idea, though, the key is getting the kids to come out and help. That's what makes it easy and enjoyable. No great insight here, but we do see success in consistently doing some common fundRaisers each year; plus, you become more efficient at doing them, as well.


Thanks for the kind words, Paul; Like most things I continue to learn more about the ever-changing dynamics of youth ministry. The key if you haven't done fund-raising before or are even scared of the thought of it is start with something simple, enjoy the relationships/fellowship that is created from the effort and make it fun. 

For example, I always have a future fund-raising agenda/plan geared for specific events (eg. short term missions trips) but the kids from time-to-time surprise me with their enthusiasm. Recently, because our Youth Rallys in the Maritimes are comparitively small the cost seem to go higher and higher each time we hold one (2x per year) . In an effort to reduce some of these costs, the kids requested a fund-raiser, to help with the costs. Because of a our late decision to do this and the Rally was only 3 weeks away, we decided to have a Movie Madness evening, at the church. In the Sanctuary we showed the movie Couragious and in the Fellowship Hall, another part of the Church, we showed numerous Veggie Tales movies. We advertised it with posters in Churches, Schools and Women's Ministries and stated what it was for, a suggested Donation and the kids sold, baked goodies, drinks, & popcorn during the movies. Why Women's Minitries? Do you how many young moms would kill for a night out with their husbands.....babysitting for $20.....either movie or dinner....So, the kids movies (30 some kids) fueled the adults to attend the other movie (not the other wat around) the added $ for goodies during the movie. easy, simple, fun and great fellowship with kids and moms/dads.

I was involved for many years in Christian School Fund-Raising and although fund-raisinfg seems scary, when you have those 3 elements, the possibilities are limitless. And like everything else, the more you do it, the easier it gets and the elaborate ideas you can try. Don't take on more than you can handle and only try 1 complex fund-raiser a year. Continue to use the ones that work. and don't give up on a good idea until you've tried it 3 times. Don't get discouraged with ones that don't work out, concentrate on the ones that do. Through persistance in our experiences we always set high goals and there were a few years that we almost reached $100,000 in our fund-raising efforts.....that goes a long way when you have creative minds working together!

Some other fund-raising ideas that have really worked well...Apple pie selling, Sat. morning Pancake breakfasts, Talent Show/Mystery Dinner, (Auctions, Banquets, Family Fun Carnival Day,  surviver Day, Volleyball Tournament -these are more elaborate), hosting soup lunches for an area touring company; the sky is the limit, but start simple. And, remember, move out of the way and let the Lord take control. Things will never happen as you expected, but they will always happen the way the Lord planned them. Be ready for the unexpected, because that is the Lord's hand in it all. Look forward to those unexpected rumble-bumps as welcome challenges that the Lord is inserting. For whatever reason: Growth, awareness/empathy or touching a new life. Have fun with this.....

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