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These statistics are alarming, but I appreciate your sharing them. Thank you for all of the work you do advocating on behalf of those whose voices many of us in the church ignore. 

Posted in: Church Bullies

This is very helpful. I think we need to be having more conversations about treating others with respect in our homes and congregations. It is such an important practice that can have a huge impact on the Church!

Thank you for sharing this beautifully written and transparent piece, Robin. It serves as a good challenge to all of us to be the Church God has called us to be, where reconciliation and restoration are the ultimate goal.

A missionary with Christian Reformed World Missions recently wrote a blog entry on using a song by Mumford & Sons as an evangelism tool. In the blog, he also quotes Grant Lovejoy who writes, “The best discipling resource among oral communicators is not a printed booklet but an obedient Christian. Oral communicators learn by observing.” I have certainly found this to be true in my ministry.

Posted in: Jake: A Tribute

Thank you for sharing this moving tribute about Jake! I only met him a couple of times, once staying with he and Wilma in Goderich, but was profoundly impacted by his heart for youth and the model of Christ-likeness that he was to so many. His loss is a huge loss for the denomination.

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