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Thank you so much for this. Praying for each and every person at Benjamin's Hope. Praying God draws near in the unknowns, providing comfort and peace and joy. Thanks again for sharing! 

Figured I could start :) One thing that God has been showing me recently is how his power is not hindered by my weakness. God uses us me in spite of myself, much like he used Jonah (a story I recently read again). 

Your words have a way of really connecting with me, Michele! "When an individual’s will becomes an end in itself, it becomes an idol." Amen! 

Thanks for the thoughtful comment, John. 

When Hatmaker gave statistics on pastors' job satisfaction (or lack thereof), I saw it as a way to highlight the pressure on pastors, not the fact that pastors have problems (as we all do). I saw it as a challenge to narrow the role of pastors so that they can EQUIP disciples instead of bearing the responsibility for the spiritual development of each member of the congregation (which is the Holy Spirit's work anyway). 

I really appreciate your point on God working through our weakness. I completely agree and am reminded of this every single day (thanks be to God!). 

Thank you so much for this comment, Bob. Your insights and references help give a much more accurate and complete picture (and show the trouble with picking and choosing statistics to share). One thing I did appreciate about Hatmaker's article was how she used the lens of a consumer culture to highlight the need for pastors and churches to be equippers, so that each and every person can become a disciple.

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