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No advice just wanted to say I appreciate this question. I have been asking around and have heard from many people that the printed directory is still valuable to them (as many churches have a diverse age demographic). 

Excellent question. We recently visited Alger Park CRC in Grand Rapids, MI, and they had a good process for this kind of thing. The kids were first registered/checked-in to their children's ministry rooms and nurseries. And then when it was time for the children's message, the kids came as a group to the front of the church to be part of worship. Following the message, they went back to their classrooms until the service ended. 

By the way, the system they used for check-in was called KidCheck ( and it was very user friendly. 

I remember being a college freshmen getting a care package from my church. Hand-written notes, cookies, and other little things. It made me feel remembered and loved. So simple but meant a lot. 

Also, Well-Watered Women is a great ministry and community that encourages women to get in the Word (they do a great job of being relevant to the challenges women today face). I just got an email from them mentioning a devotional called Dear College Girl.

Per the description, "you’ll find letters written by women who have walked through college and want to encourage you with wisdom and truth from Scripture as you head into these exciting years." This would make a beautiful gift! 


Thanks for this Keith. Sorry for delayed response but I'd love to discuss further how you try to be more intentional with your tithing (and make it sure it is not just the crumbs). I would love to hear your ideas! Maybe a new post even?

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