Synodical Reports Available for Study

The following synodical reports are ready for study and reflection by the churches: (1) Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee—Belhar Report and (2) Form of Subscription Revision Committee II (2012). In addition, (3) the Creation Stewardship Task Force requested an extension in submitting their report and, thus, will be made available to the churches around mid November.
The reports are available for download from the Synodical Resources website. Your church may request a printed copy of each report if you are unable to download the documents for study. Please order any one of the above reports (limit one per church, please) through Faith Alive Christian Resources free of charge by calling 800-333-8300. The reports will also be included in the printed Agenda for Synod 2012 and considered by the delegates to synod next June.
Councils are invited and encouraged to review and carefully study each of the reports. If any council wishes to respond to the reports and have that response considered by Synod 2012, they may do so by way of overture or communication to synod. An overture or communication will first need to be processed through your council and then the classis, after which it should be submitted to the synodical services office no later than March 15, 2012, to be included in the printed Agenda for Synod. Late overtures dealing with other matters found in the printed synodical agenda can be received as late as May 15, 2012. However, such late overtures will then only be printed in the supplementary agenda and distributed at synod (see Rules for Synodical Procedure, p. 8).
The reports of the Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee, Form of Subscription Revision Committee II (2012), and Creation Stewardship Task Force address significant matters—a reflection of the times in which we now live and worship together. We trust that the Lord’s blessing will rest on our deliberations as we consider these matters.
Joel R. Boot
Executive Director
Diane S. Recker
Director of Synodical Services
CRCNA and Synod, Church Admin & Finance
Church Renewal, CRCNA and Synod
Church Renewal, CRCNA and Synod
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