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Job Description for Director of Worship Arts 
Grace Christian Reformed Church, Spring 2022

The purpose of this position is to equip and shepherd our worship leaders (musicians, technicians, visual artists, dancers, and liturgists) and to support the worship planning process as part of the liturgy planning team. The ultimate goal is to support Grace Church’s vision of our worship experience at all services of Grace Church. 

About Grace
Our congregational vision is that “Grace Christian Reformed Church is a healthy, urban, intentionally multi-ethnic, and diverse (in many ways) expression of God’s new family in Christ Jesus—a church that embraces, in the words of Revelation, ‘the healing of the nations.’” As such, Grace Church seeks above all to model the reconciliation and healing of the nations in all aspects of church life and ministry.

Position Responsibilities 
The general responsibilities of this role are to oversee the development and incorporation of music, drama, dance, visual arts, and technologies in the corporate worship of our congregation.  Various other art forms may be drawn into worship in a complementary and edifying manner in order to offer a fuller experience of worshiping the Lord. 

The position reports to the Administrative Committee through the Preaching Pastor.

The specific responsibilities for the position are as follows: 

  • In consultation with the Pastor, Elders, and Worship committee, develop a vision and philosophy of utilizing music and arts in worship that is consistent with our diversity as a congregation and our reconciliation in Christ
  • Articulate and implement that vision and philosophy with the volunteers who participate in the leadership of the worship services of the church
  • Develop a long-range worship implementation plan in collaboration with the Worship committee  
  • Guide and oversee the weekly worship planning process along with the pastor and the liturgy planning committee, and occasionally plan and lead special services (e.g., Good Friday, Christmas Candlelight, funerals, etc.)
  • Lead some or all of our weekly liturgy in worship, in word and song 
  • Develop and utilize the giftedness of all members of the congregation in all aspects of worship 
  • Work with musicians and technicians to lead congregational music and singing for worship services, including preparing them each week with documents
  • Work with visual artists to incorporate the arts into our worship services where appropriate, by encouraging the use of textiles, lights, drama, dance and other visual arts
  • Work with children and youth leaders to create a worship culture and worship opportunities in which children and youth fully participate
  • Develop alternate groups who might lead worship periodically, such as choirs, quartets, brass ensembles, neighboring churches, or external groups
  • Assist in identifying volunteers and other resources, encouraging and integrating worshipers’ gifts into worship and special event services  
  • Maintain a ministry of encouragement to all who offer themselves in the various forms of art or in support of our worship services
  • Maintain a library of music Grace uses regularly, sheet music and other assets as appropriate, track and pay appropriate licensing fees and other documentation as needed  

Education and Qualifications 

  • Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent experience
  • Love the Lord Jesus and be a member in good standing in a Christian church
  • Have a passion for and demonstrated knowledge of Christian liturgy and worship practices
  • Be familiar with and supportive of different cultures, worship styles, and a wide body of worship music and literature
  • Be able to lead musicians and other artists in a worship event
  • Be able to lead the congregation in singing and instrumental accompaniment
  • Have a demonstrated pastoral capacity for mentoring and developing worship leadership and gifts in others
  • Have a demonstrated knowledge of the use of worship arts and how they may be applied in worship

This position serves an average of 15 hours per week, and is permitted 2 weeks paid vacation per year. This position will be considered to be “at will” employment, which may be terminated by either Grace Church or the employee at any time with 2 weeks notice to the other party.

To apply, send a resume and cover letter to 

Grace Christian Reformed Church
100 Buckley SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

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