… towns.’ “The next servant said, ‘Master, here’s your money safe and sound. I kept it hidden in the cellar. To tell you … (7 or 8 years old) and had to read these Q & A’s in our church and one was all about sin in our lives and it was …
… the door closed. We would stay inside where we would be safe from sin's effects. But sin is a sly creature that … accountable so that people say, "Hey, I missed you in church last week." Or they say, "I saw where you were the …
… and they can seem very futile. Probably every one in this church right now has fewer decades than they have fingers and … so that they could be free. - He had blessed them with safe passage through the Red Sea. - He had given them manna …
… Now it is to hold back, hold on, and play it safe. I don’t like that. I want to live the rest of my days … after all. Can’t God do something? Shouldn’t the church do something for me? Shouldn’t the pastor have the …
… the Most High God. Obeying this command would keep them safe in Babylon, but they’d be breaking God’s first … against Babylon. This was the same issue facing the early church in the Roman Empire. We read in Acts that the people …
… be similar to a library full of other books. But then the church has nothing exciting to believe, and nothing exciting … are vulnerable. Lord, protect our children, keep them safe, and may they prosper. That's the prayer in our hearts. …
… this story? Polycarp was a member and the bishop of the church of Smyrna. This is the second church addressed in the … that were not prosperous, not respected, and not very safe. Each day they had to live by faith. Yes, each day …
… to turn to this book because it is Jesus' last word to the church. In chapters 2 and 3 Jesus himself addresses seven … for me to do so, only in those places where it is safe to do so, and only with those who make it easy to do so. …
… me to do. There are certain Bible texts that we as a church love to read. And there are certain Bible texts that … writer says, is like an anchor for our souls to keep them safe and secure. And this anchor, he goes on to say, goes …
… unmentionable. To invite discussion of it, even in the church, is thought to be bad form. Unlike the old churchyards … as people who knew how to ‘die well,’ knew how to walk safely through that ‘valley of the shadow of death.’ Perhaps …
… state would be better served by restoring all schools to church control” (from The Truth Project by Focus on the … schools have excellent academic standings, they are safe and orderly environments, and they are places where …
… figure would come out of the shadows and lead them to a safe place where they would stay a couple of days. There is … people the impression of a sort of potluck supper in some church basement with the disciples all nicely seated at the …